Sunday, July 5, 2015

Thinking Pod?

The Pod is the outer membranous covering of some fruits, nuts and grain. The pod of the carob tree is commonly used for fattening swine and were employed as an article of food by poor people. The pod isn't the real thing. From the pod you can only have an idea of what the real thing is. In cooking it is referred to as the parts of fruits.

Thinking pod is thinking what is less than the real value of the new life you have been given free. It is substituting the original for what looks like it. The pod actually is desirable and looks so attractive, that some could mistake it for a blessing. Thinking pod is seeing it big but with the absence of God. A very brilliant idea, but can't accommodate the Father.

There are two ways you could think pod. The first one is a product of your desire while the second is a master strategy of the enemy of your soul. Let's begin with the first.

"And he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate,and no one gave him anything" Luke15vs16 (NKJV)

Above is the scripture that described the parable of the prodigal son. There is something more than mismanagement of valuables in that parable, the Lord wants us to see more than that. The young man was thinking pod and he ended up in the swine. The issue wasn't primarily squandering his possession but "thinking pod". He thought he could survive outside of the Father as long as he had His proceeds but without the Father in it, it was a pod. He went ahead, only to realise he could not make it without the Father. He thought pod and ended up in the swine where he was now faced with the reality of if he should eat the pod.

At the moment he came to the realization of how awesome the love of the Father is -where servants don't even struggle for what to eat- he stopped thinking pod. He began to think the real thing- the love of the Father. What amazes most is the reception he got from the father when he returned.  Without formal apology he was welcomed and celebrated. He had fulfiled what the Father wants- Drop the pod, think me. When you have me, you have everything (Matt6vs33).

Isn't it suprising that the young man requested the possession from the Father who liberally granted his request? He wanted the boy to know he could do and achieve nothing without him. The possessions wasn't evil but without the Father in it, it becomes a pod that lacks the nutrient to sustain a son. It is only sufficient for the swine.

Don't eat pod before you stop thinking pod. Some proposals, ideas, communications as it may be, come in this form. You just feel it doesn't matter. If it cannot accomodate the Father, its not worth going on with. Its the pod. Don't think it!

As you go this week, in your daily activities you will be faced with circumstances to make you think pod, discard it so as not to end up in the swine. Tell it to yourself "I aint going for the pod. The pod is for the swine, not for the saved".

 The second way you could think pod will be treated next week, you wouldn't want to miss that.

Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye


  1. An awe-inspiring piece. Pod is fit for the swine.. .... .. ..

  2. Hmmmm, more grace
