Sunday, July 2, 2017

Don't be a Philemon!

The misconception about the world and the Christian life has left many treasures untapped and some sent into the cloves of the devil. God has deposited awesome treasures and ideas in the hearts of many, but, the belief that anything not directly impacting on the five-fold ministry is canal has robbed the church of her movement in shaping the world.

Onesimus is a slave belonging to Philemon who is a wealthy citizen of Colosse, and a prominent member of the church there. His master didn’t see any value attached to him other than being a slave. So, he denied Onesimus a voice. There were people of his age and stature who were regarded as important and useful because they occupied spiritual positions in the church. Onesimus didn’t mean anything to the master.

It is common in the bible days to give names to children according to a prophecy or events that took place when they were born. It is still the case in some places today. Onesimus meant useful. This suggest there was more to him, he was a bundle of talent, but, because as he grew up he was not opportune to be at the front preaching, giving prophecies or leading the bible study sessions he was never given any attention. No importance was attached to his calling.

As a result his predicament of being rendered voiceless, he looked for another way to express himself. Instead of being a treasure useful to his master, he became the opposite by devaluing the master. He could have been nurtured by his master to give the result that he desired and pleasing to him. The quest for usefulness was there but there was no means to express it. The master failed to recognize how useful Onesimus could be. If only he tapped into Onesimus’ wealth of treasure by allowing him find expression in God, his prosperity would have doubled. An untapped vessel led to a destruction of his masters’ earthly treasures.

Prophecy cannot be broken. It will always find a way to express itself. The prophecy of usefulness attached to Onesimus’ life was following him. He made away with his master’s money and some valuables. He ran away to a distant land. After he must have exhausted all he had, he came in contact with a man. This man had been well thought in the gospel of grace. The man knew there were no longer boundaries to functioning for God. He knew fulfilling God’s purpose goes beyond the four walls of the church. He welcomed Onesimus; identified him as a bundle of talent who is ready to find anywhere where he would be welcomed to gain expression. He immediately introduced him to Jesus; the one who gives man the expression needed.

After the man who happened to be apostle Paul finished with Onesimus, he (Onesimus) started displaying God’s talent within him. He was set to shake the world. In fact, Apostle Paul wanted to keep him but he thought it was best Onesimus goes back to his master who never saw how such talent could be exercised by a true son of God. Paul sent Onesimus back to the man who never saw the other side of the gospel but endeared in the old covenant. “Useful” is now useful. What would have happened if Onesimus fell into the hands of bandits who were ready to accept and promote him?

The scenario above seems to be the present state of the church. All gifts and enablement comes from God. He made man in His image. Every imagination that erupts from the heart of man has been planted there by Him. The devil has nothing to offer, all the devil does is to find an expression in what was God’s idea when the carrier is ignorant of Jesus. The only difference between an unbeliever and a believer is one allows God to find expression in what he does while the other just want to make a name for himself. Many gifts have forced themselves out of the church because they don’t come with the prayer and fasting clothing so they are despised. They are believed not to be of God. In some cases they are killed, while some other look for other places to find expression.

Can you locate your Onesimus before he runs away? God wants his own occupying every sphere of life. Many have left what they knew to do best because the church has talked it down. Some have been so unlucky, unlike Onesimus, they didn’t find a Paul to lead them back to using it for the Father. No matter how small the ability is in you, would you locate how God can express Himself through it? 

Don’t be a Philemon!

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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