Sunday, March 17, 2019


“According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue” 2Pet 1:3

I was in a meeting where the preacher quoted from the scripture above and then asked the congregation on the things being referred to. Salvation, health, wealth, prosperity, provision etc. amongst others were what the people pointed out. Having said all that, the preacher then asked if they had all of that in reality…the whole house then went cold.

This particular scripture has been used to question the reality of the confession of a believer to having all things. Many wonder if this is really true as there are still many things being struggled with when the scriptures says they have all things. So, the question is what does this scripture mean and why is it that in reality it seems we don’t have all things? How can this become a reality in the life of a believer?

First, let me establish that all things here cannot be quantified or limited. Hence, it can only be summarized in what Jesus did for mankind; i.e. all that comes with the salvation package. And then the Living bible translation referred to it as all that you need to live a truly good life. They are all that you need to live in the will of God. The will of God for you is health, righteousness, prosperity, peace and many more, hence; it is not out of place to have these on the list. So, the question now is why are we not seeing the “all things” in reality as the scripture declares?

At the resurrection of Christ, we came into the fullness of the Father. There was nothing else He didn’t give to us. However, there is a growing up into the “all things” that has been made available to us.  That all things had been given unto you does not automatically translate to living in the reality of it on the spot. In the all things being yours, there is also a revelation of it in different phases that then makes it a physical reality.

It is just as a little boy whose father left all his property for. The young boy has all that is of his father but cannot come into the ownership of it until he grows to a certain age where he can come to understand the usage of all that has been committed to his hands. He begins to learn what each and every of what his father left means. If we say the boy has all things, we are right, but if we say he has not come to the physical reality of it also, we are right. It is not a lie that all things are yours in Christ; the difference is just that there is a process towards learning up into these things that are yours. There is design that is meant to bridge that gap of confession to reality.

“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” John 14:26

The Holy Spirit will now teach you all things. Peter was not wrong to have said all things are yours. Jesus makes it clearer that there is now a Spirit within you who has the duty of teaching you the “all things”. They are there, but you need knowledge to take advantage of all of it.

All things are yours in Christ; however, you grow into the reality of all things by staying with the Holy Spirit. As you continue to fellowship with the Spirit, you begin to enter into the reality of the “all things”. The more of your fellowship with the Holy Spirit brings you to revelations of the “all things”.

There are believers who are devoted to the service but still fall and rise in sin because they have not come to the revelation of the power available to them in Christ not to sin. Such a person can even be so fervent that many come to the knowledge of the gospel through him but yet to experience the reality of a life that is above sin as made available in Christ. This does not mean this provision has not been catered for in the all things as made available in Christ; it is the believer who is yet to come to the place of receiving this by the Holy Spirit’s teaching.

All things are yours. They will keep becoming a physical reality as you stay under the leadership of the Holy Ghost. There is a residual grace of all things, and there is an active bringing to reality of this by the Holy Spirit’s tutelage. It is not a lie that you have that healing already, it is yours in Christ, but, you must submit yourself to the teachings of the Holy Spirit on this to come into full manifestation of it.

What is on your list of all things that you are yet to come into? It doesn’t mean you don’t have it; all you need is learn it up from the one assigned to teach you. Devote time to those particular things in submission to the Holy Spirit and you’d see the wonders of His word.

You have it all, it’s yours, take it.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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