This week I want to press
further in explaining to you the agenda of the pandemic.
Government policies,
scientific inventions and ideas that govern the world all have what they seek
to achieve and all these with spiritual undertones. Do you remember how some
congress men in the time of Daniel developed a policy just to ensure Daniel was
brought down? All systems are governed by men who are directly or indirectly
under a spiritual influence. Hence, the reason the scriptures talks about
testing all spirits. The spirit is the influence behind an idea. Even Peter who
was consistently with Jesus was at a time under the influence of the Devil; he
suggested an idea that wasn’t of God (Matt 16:22-24). That’s how spiritual the
entire system of the universe is.
So you see from the
beginning that Eve was influenced by the Devil without Eve knowing the
implication of the idea sold to her. We see how Noah received exact measurement
and specifications of materials to build the ark. This is to make it clear to
you that beyond intellectual explanations to events of life, there are
spiritual undertones. This explains why Jesus made it clear that a life cannot be
in vacuum as it concerns who occupies the life so also are the ideas and
policies that govern a nation.
“The evil nation is like a
man possessed by a demon. For if the demon leaves, it goes into the desert for
a while, seeking rest but finding none. Then it says, ‘I will return to the man
I came from.’ So it returns and finds the man’s heart clean but empty...” Matt
12:43-45 (TLB)
This is to make you know no life
stays empty; and the spiritual needs a life to express its agenda. So, all that
you see now has where it emanated from with a spiritual undertone and agenda.
Having established that,
with the current realities we are facing as a world, I have heard from some
circles that God is angry because of the sin of mankind and as such He has released
the plague on the earth. That is a misconception that needs to be explained
before going into the real deal.
You must come to understand
the person of God from who Jesus is and not just picking some pages of the
scriptures to say God kills or inflicts with sicknesses. We saw how Elisha
called down fire to destroy some children who mocked him while coming back from
his encounter with Elijah. This was a demonstration of power and it would have
been a prototype for us to follow believing you can use the anointing of God to
destroy men because God has granted such power to man until we saw Jesus restore
the ear of a man cut off by one of his disciples depicting a different way to
approaching adversary.
The true character of God
can only be determined from the person of Jesus and not in the dealings of the
Prophets. Christ alone is the express image of God.
“God who at sundry times and
in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by prophets, hath in
these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all
things, by whom also he made the worlds; who being the brightness of his glory,
and the express image of his person,
and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself
purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high” Heb 1:2
Image in this particular verse
is translated from the Greek word to mean “character”. So, you see Christ say “He
who has seen Me has seen the Father”. This
means that from only Jesus can you determine perfectly the character of God,
not from the Prophets.
“Jesus travelled all through
Galilee teaching in the Jewish synagogues, everywhere preaching the Good News
about the Kingdom of Heaven. And he healed every kind of sickness and disease”
Matt 4:23
He healed the sick among the
“Teacher, they said to Jesus,
this woman was caught in the very act of adultery. Moses law says to kill her. What
about it?... All right, hurl the stones at her until she dies. But only he who
never sinned may throw the first!” John 8:4/6b
He never condemned a sinner
who he could have consented to her destruction.
“And when he had called unto
him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast
them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease” Matt
10:1 KJV
He gave his disciples (present
believers inclusive) the power to do the same thing He was doing. So, the
question would then be why same God would visit his people who he has empowered
to heal sicknesses with sickness? That would be a house divided against itself
which cannot stand according to the scriptures.
The greatest sin of mankind was
to have believed the devil as against God’s command in Eden bringing about the
need for salvation. God’s response to it
was giving of His son. That’s exactly God’s true character. He doesn’t send
plagues to make man come to Him; He sends love (Jesus).
“That is, that God was in
Christ making peace between the world and himself, not putting their sins to
their account, and having given to us the preaching of this news of peace” 2 Cor
So, the plague is NOT from
God, don’t get it mixed up. I will continue next week to what is behind the
pandemic and the agenda. You don’t want to miss it.
Stay safe!
Weldone sir..