an amazing time to be alive. I’d continue from where I stopped last week
looking into understanding the agenda of the times and season that we are in. If
you missed last week’s post, please kindly read up before proceeding here.
I have established that there is no event that just happens here on earth as
events are under a spiritual influence, however, not without God’s knowledge. And
I also made it clear that God can only be understood in Christ as any other
view of Him outside Christ would be in error. In Christ is the perfect image of
God and we know Christ does not go about inflicting men with sicknesses. He died
for all mankind; it would be abnormal to see Him kill same men.
to the crux of the matter; what then is the agenda of this?
are cases of mass murder in the scriptures that the Lord opened my heart to as I
meditate on all that is going on. We don’t see what the world sees as
believers, we are to see from Jesus’ perspective. A lot of people are in panic.
I can understand there are so many messages making rounds on social media and
all sort; these are not good for your soul at this time.
devil is limited in understanding. He cannot see what the big picture of the
move of God is; hence, he fails in getting the end result he desires when it comes
to events anything affecting the people of God. There was a time the Israelites
needed a saviour to help them out of the captivity of Pharaoh and when God’s
people cried to Him, He sought for a man. The Devil knows when God wants to
embark on a move, He raises men. The only thing is the devil is not omniscient;
he doesn’t know who exactly the Lord would choose to use and this is where the
problem is exactly.
I had told you decrees, policies, and ideas have an influence behind them. There
was a new king in Egypt who didn’t know all of Joseph’s exploit. He just felt
the Israelites were doing too well and prospering and if not controlled would
later join force with the enemies of Egypt to overthrow them. The king then
made a decree that all sons born to the Hebrews be murdered. This was the
beginning of discomfort for the Israelites. The Devil knew a savior was on the
way for the Israelites and that was the agenda. He wouldn’t know where exactly
this “savior” would come from. So, it made logical sense to say Pharaoh didn’t want
a son so as to reduce the strength of Israelites who may join the army later. That
was just the surface reasoning, but the purpose was the man, Moses, who was to
come. That was the Devil’s target, he just could not discern who. Moses was a
type of Christ. So, a mass murder was declared. The Harvest was what the devil
was trying to stop but God’s work can never be stopped. Harvest eventually
came! The people of God came out and moved towards the fulfillment of God’s
promise by the hand of God through Moses.
Herod the king heard about the birth of a king of the Jews, he became so
worried and ordinarily one would think it was about the fact that his kingdom
was threatened; that he wouldn’t want who will take over from him. However, the
real influence was the Devil seeking to kill the prophecy, Jesus, who had long
been prophesied to come save the world. The Devil was not interested in
Jerusalem, all he wanted was to be the one in control of all and that was the
real battle. So, on the surface it was as though Herod was trying to protect
his dynasty and kingdom. That was what would have made the news headlines.
Herod made a decree in his attempt to locate the child “…slew all the children
that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and
under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men”
was another mass murder, all in a bid to stop the harvest of souls that was to
come; the deliverance of not just God’s people this time around but a move to
make more people become citizens of the kingdom. Eventually, God’s work cannot
be stopped. The Son grew and the harvest was also another mighty one that gave
birth to you and I who are sons of God today.
that the scripture is all about is Jesus and He is the savior. If you cannot
see Him through all events then you might be bound to receiving just anything
that comes your way or become a victim of fear. The events of life are not outside
of His authority.
events are under his control…” Dan 2:21a
every mass murder you’d see the emergence of a saviour; this savior is then the
tool of harvest. But the Good News is that after Jesus, more than one person
can now enter into this office of a “saviour”. There is going to be a great harvest
after the whole noise and only those who are being trained by the Lord now can
partake of it. The seasons of the mass murder were time of formation for the “saviours”
we have seen and if all you could do at this time is panic or keep feeding on
unprofitable food, at the end of the battle you may not be ready to return to take
on Pharaoh like Moses or the Devil
himself like Jesus.
I see is a great harvest coming and I am not missing out of it. Be vigilant. Forget
the noise, quiet your spirit. You are a “saviour”. Just keep feeding your
spirit with the word, there is going to be a shift of influence.
Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye