Sunday, January 17, 2016

Just like Martha...

The story of Mary and Martha is a significant bible story which the Lord will be using to speak to us this week. The message from this is quite significant to how the year will turn out to be. I know you might have read that story. If you have, you might have celebrated Mary and just wondered what Martha was doing not to have sat at the masters’ feet. The story is fundamental because it was an interaction between these great women and the Lord Jesus Himself. And, you can be sure each time He speaks, there is a whole lot there in.

The name Martha has an Aramaic origin and the meaning of this name is “lady: mistress of the house”. Many a times in the times of the scriptures, names are given prophetically and has a way of taking shape in the life of an individual. Martha was good at overseeing the house, she is conscious of everything that goes on there. As the mistress of the house, you wouldn’t come and leave the house without a note of testimonial; I mean how great you were treated. That’s the mistress of the house for you. She decides what goes on in the house, you don’t come in to give her stuffs, you come in and she gives you the best of the treat. In summary, you come into the house to get served.

Jesus and His disciples were on their way to Jerusalem, suddenly, they came into a village where a woman called Martha lived and you can be sure the mistress of the house welcomed Him. This acceptance suggests two things; belief and fore-knowledge. She believed in Christ and know who He is. Immediately the mistress of the house got into duty, she has to make sure Jesus doesn’t leave the house the same way He came. She started to prepare all sort of food class to ensure He leaves with a balanced diet. She meant well! She was just doing what she feels was the best.

The unexpected happened when the work became too much for the mistress of the house. She still had to make sure she also prepared that which the master will take along in the journey but, she is running behind schedule. She humbly requested that Jesus chastise Mary, her sister, for not giving a helping hand.  Jesus then chastised the one who had been concerned about His welfare.

“And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10vs42

Just like Martha, I know you mean so well. You are so active. You never miss any program. Any program holding around town you hear of, you are there. You want to serve Him and so wonderfully well. It’s quite good but the problem is, you will be busy with serving Him when He is sitting for you to come be served.

I see people move from one prayer meeting to the other, perform all sort of spiritual exercise, most especially at the beginning of the year as this. You are at every program you hear of. Morning, day and night and soon people begin to tag you a truly zealous one for God. You strive so hard because you just want to serve this God. You want to please Him. You then become jittery at a point because all of your active service seems not to be producing commensurate result. The Living Bible described Martha as being “Jittery”. This is exactly the situation; she expected Jesus to have sent Mary to help her because she felt Jesus should be pleased with her more than Mary. When such was not coming forth, she became jittery until she finally opened up.

Friend, all of those are quite good, but that isn’t the needful. Jesus Himself wants to serve you. He says “enough of all those cumbersome program schedule to appease Me. In course of doing all of that, you have left Me for too long sitting and waiting for you.”
Remember He is on His way to Jerusalem. He has so much to accomplish, and all to be done within a time frame. Leave all the serving, let Him serve you now. Sit down at His feet, be quiet. In your own house (Spirit) is where He wants to feed you. Go personal with Him, He has brought Himself into your house. Sit and reflect to commune with Him there. It’s difficult when you look for Him amidst the crowd. Just like Martha? Drop all, sit at His feet!

As you go this week, be relieved of all your burdens. Take a break from the busy schedule, sit at His feet and see Him speak into your Spirit. Your blessing is tied to hearing Him.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye