Sunday, August 18, 2019


So, there is this question I am always scared to answer when I am at the point of taking a decision; it is the question of if God told me to do this or that or if I have prayed about it. So, this kind of question makes me want to go to the place of prayer and start asking for what God is saying exactly when I allow worry to set in.

I grew up to knowing it wasn’t about praying to know what He wants me to do, but solely about being in fellowship with the one who owns all and I just naturally find myself living His will. It is living supernaturally naturally. 

Prayer is not meant primarily for you to know the will of God concerning any issue and it is almost not entirely correct to always have to go spend hours of prayers before you can be sure on a decision as a Son. You have leverage on knowing by the reason of exercising the Spirit within through fellowship which prayer is one of the means to achieving. You are designed to know the will of God on the spot!

The will of God is the mind of God. It is as knowing what your mother’s judgment will be on a certain issue. While some of us were very young, in any case of an offense is committed, we can easily discern correctly what our mother’s judgment would be. It means as it concerns that particular situation, you know the mind of your mother; you wouldn’t need to engage in days of thinking to be sure. This is possible because you have spent time in communion with your mother. It is the same with being clear on God’s will. By reason of fellowship, it just becomes a natural knowing for you.

Prayer is a word that has been associated with getting answers from God when the need arises. When there is a decision to be made, you are expected to engage in some weeks or hours of prayers to ascertain what God is saying. It is not meant to be so! The fastest and profound route to knowing the will of God is not “praying” to know His will; it is in praying to have a communion. That is what helps you develop the mind of Christ. Prayer is only a subset of fellowship.

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” Rom 12:2

After Jesus came, the form of prayer changed. The things we needed to pray about are now all available in Christ. There is nothing that we need as believers that has not already been made available in Christ. So, taking advantage of all of these things when the need arises is a product of fellowship which prayer, engaging in a time of solitude with God, is designed to bring about. The more time you spend in prayer of fellowship, the more your mind is being renewed to understanding things by the spirit.

The focus of prayer now shifts from needs to the provider. As you pray, your spirit is energized to see things in His way, and then it becomes easier to identify when a thing is not of Him. When your prayer is built on the altar of request, discerning the will of God without any form of trouble becomes difficult. Prayer is not to know what is right or not, it is a time to knowing the person of God in Christ. And as you keep beholding Him, His will become easily identifiable.

David was a man who got into this; he understood what the future of prayer as a subset of fellowship was going to be. He had a lot to fight but he came to the conclusion on what really matters.

“The one thing I want from God, the thing I seek most of all, is the privilege of meditating in his Temple, living in his presence every day of my life, delighting in his incomparable perfections and glory. There I’ll be when trouble comes. He will hide me. He will set me on a high rock” Psalm 27:4-5

The secret to the victories David enjoyed was to have understood this central truth.

God wants you to come to that place of knowing His will effortlessly as it is the reality of the life He gives to us. The secret is in fellowshipping more and you will command His will on earth on the spot.
You can identify what God is saying about your choice of a marital partner, finance, marriage, career and other issues of life easily if you have so engaged with His mind in the place of prayer.

Prayer is not about discernment, fellowshipping with God through prayers makes you discerning naturally.

Having struggles with understanding His will without going through consulting people and spending so much time? Check what the content of your prayer time looks like.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye 

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