Welcome to 2016! The Lord is taking us along the path of obedience. He wants you to hold on to a key in 2016 that will make you have the most desirable result at the end of the year. This is a year you can’t afford to journey without the WORD. It is a year light is essentially needed. Darkness looms all over, but this should gladden your heart because it is in the midst of darkness light shine more gloriously. The word is the light needed in a 2016 that seems gloomy but pregnant with achievements and inventions for those who will maximize the opportunity.
Ten spies were sent to a dark and gloomy Jericho. Indeed it is a land filled with giants, and conquering Jericho seems to be a very tough task. Israelites looked so small before these giants, but Jericho is pregnant with milk and honey. Now you look at all at your disposal and, already, you just feel you are not a match for the blessing yet unfolding. Inside of darkness the Lord hides the best of the best so as to show His glory.
Year 2016 is a Jericho filled with giants but only two spies out of the twelve would be able to take the land and enjoy the milk and honey therein. These two had the key to unlock the booty.
What then is the key?
As a regular reader on my blog, you should know by now how high I lay credence to the supremacy of the WORD, it’s our FOUNDATION at any point. It is from the foundation we get the pattern to which we build.
“So don’t worry at all about having enough food and clothing. Why be like the heathen? For they take pride in all these things and are deeply concerned about them. But your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and he will give them to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to” Matt6vs31-32
You need the key to take you through 2016-QUIETNESS. The government is telling you how bad the economy is fairing, terrorism is on the increase, and the word seems to be tearing apart. Amidst all these you could lose your hold of the WORD. It becomes difficult to see and hear God. The mindset in approaching God is crucial. When fear sets in, your prophecy will be in contrast to His word. The ten spies were overwhelmed with the happenings in Jericho and they prophesied impossibility. The situation shut their receiving antennae from God. Joshua and Caleb on the other hand had a quiet spirit, all they could see was in sync with the prophecy of the Lord. The Lord wants to come closer to you in 2016 and you need to be quiet on the inside to hear Him. Let go of all the anxiety, worries and seeming troubles. Your strength of going forward is in the depth of what is on your inside, and the starting point of rechanneling your thought is QUIETNESS on the inside.
When you give Him first place this year, all other things are settled. But, there can only be a flow of communication between you and Him if you can just be quiet and listen to Him (via the word) and not the external factors.
This is our affirmation for the year. Recite boldly now:
“I will be quiet in my spirit, I will see only what the word says. On no occasion will I declare I cannot possess this land. 2016 is looking gloomy because in it is my land flowing with milk and honey. As Joshua and Caleb I stay quiet in my spirit and declare I am going at once to possess it, for I am well able to overcome it”
We shall proceed from here as we look into those ingredients to maintain a quiet spirit. Let’s keep at the word every week right here.
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Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye
Those who will enjoy the leading of the Holy Ghost must be quiet on their inside. Quietness is truly A key. More grace bro!