Some write it down as a New Year resolution that should bring about that change desired while some write it as goals to be actualized. The end point of all that is done is actually to bring about a change that is so desired in the journey of life.
As interesting and good as all of these approaches may be, nothing spectacular in the supernatural can happen without a change in your belief systems. You don’t win battles in the spirit through resolutions. You could actually write a goal to become certified in a particular field, which would require your money and commitment to study, however, for any spiritual addition and turnaround, tangibles are the minutest thing that brings about the change you desire.
One of such is seeking to walk through the year having victory over a failing health; this may require discipline and all other personal restraints but cannot be sustained by written down resolutions without a change in a belief system. The spiritual rides on the wheels of beliefs; that is where authority is transacted. What do you believe?
Man was living peacefully with God before sin became a divider. Something changed that brought about this. God had told Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit that is in the middle of the Garden and they believed Him. The devil who knew what he wanted for man began to feed the woman with a different perspective to what God had said. He engaged the woman so much so that lie began to look like truth and intellectually correct. Her belief system changed. It was at that point man lost the whole of the privilege he had with God. The actual act of eating the fruit was just a final execution of what had been executed in the spirit. A belief system gave birth to another way of life for them.
Believing the words of the serpent was all that happened to them. What you believe becomes what you live! Many have been confessing prosperity and when confronted with discussions that requires wealth, they kickback because they believe it is not meant for people of their level. You can keep confessing a whole lot for the New Year and end up not seeing results if you don’t believe it in your heart.
Eve was still confessing God as the Lord over them as she made the devil know they live only by the instructions of God to them which was not to eat the fruit in the middle of the Garden. She could still announce the instruction of God to the devil, however, with just time of meditating on the words of the serpent, her beliefs no longer matched with her confession. And the entire human race lost it until Jesus came to our rescue.
What you believe is paramount!
“And by him all that believes are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the Law of Moses” Act 13:39
So, one very basic thing you must come to believe as you prepare to start a New Year is that your life is totally in the hands of God. Believing there is a man or a devil somewhere that is responsible for the seemingly uninteresting experiences in your life is already an unconscious submission to the superiority of such a power. You can’t journey victoriously with such a belief system. It is central to all that becomes of you.
“Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breadth of all mankind.” Job 12:9-10
When you can come to a conclusion that a power somewhere is what brings all that looks uninteresting across your way, it only suggests there is a God who is not so much in charge of the world He created that one of his employees can do a thing without his consent. It is totally fighting from a perspective of a pitiable personality. When your confessions don’t match your beliefs, you are the same as an unbeliever. You cannot keep confessing Jesus as the Lord of all, and still keep at the back of your heart that there is a woman who has not allowed you make progress somewhere. It means your “Jesus” can be boxed to a corner. It is living not by the word.
If He is the Lord of all, then nothing happens without His approval. Hence, what you go through is obviously not from anyone outside the consent of God. Job was not tried by the Devil; the Devil was only acting on God’s command. God is never caught unawares.
It is not what you confess that solely wins battle for you; it is to what you believe.
If you desire a supernatural change in the coming year, there is a need to come to change your belief system on this and every other thing will begin to work for you in accordance. Believing is equal to submitting; you can’t confess God and submit to a lesser power through your unbelief and hope for a supernatural result.
“And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come” Eph1:19-22
You are seated with Christ above all principalities and power. Can you please start seeing from this truth of God’s word? It gets the devil crazy.
You need the right beliefs to Be-living rightly.
Be Innovated,
Olufemi Ibitoye
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