After the fall of man, God could no longer communicate to man one-on-one anymore. He began to communicate with the people through just one channel, the Priest who has been set apart to stand in the gap between the people and God. So, it was a congregational message for the people. Apparently, it would have been a difficult task for the Priest to start getting words for every individual in the nation at the same time.
The kind of one-on-one talks Adam and Eve enjoyed in the Garden of Eden was gone. God could only identify with one man, the Priest, who has been anointed amongst the people to get His word to them.
This system didn’t bring about the close relationship God intended to have with man, hence, it became difficult for the Israelites to really understand the ways of God; they only saw His acts. Acts can be deceptive and misleading. You will find it difficult to understand the reason behind His acts when you don’t understand His ways. This is why the Israelites could experience a miracle as great as seeing the Red Sea divide into two and still settle for idol as what brought them out of Egypt. They couldn’t see beyond the acts.
God desired the people could really come to understand His ways but the sin of Adam had created a deep gulf between God and man.
As much as we still have Priests and Prophets now, the real plan of God is to make every individual come to have that personal relationship with Him so everyone can understand His ways, this is what keeps man in the faith: It is becoming a King and Priest to Him. Hence, it is your duty and within your power to understand His ways as a Priest and His acts as a King that you are. This is what Jesus made available to you now. You are important!
“And has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” Rev 1:6
The climax of it is that He snow peaks to you and not just to prophets, through His Son. You have the Son inside of you by the Holy Spirit and He is living. So, the system changed after Jesus reunited you to God. It is no longer just receiving a congregational message; He speaks to every individual who has come to receive Him as Lord and Saviour.
“Long ago God spoke in many different ways to our fathers through the prophets (in visions, dreams, and even face to face) telling them little by little about his plans.
But now in these days he has spoken to US through his Son to whom he has given everything, and through whom he made the world and everything there is” Heb 1:1-2
My first message to you this year is to let you know you are important, so much, to the Father. And as such He has a personal message for you. You have been chosen and He treats the chosen as the blessed. It took Mary to be chosen among the virgins in the land to be declared blessed. The virgins at that time represented people who could have access to the conception of Jesus but only Mary was highly favoured among them all. She became a force to reckon with in history because she was that important to have been blessed to carry Jesus. She then received a personal message about the conception of the coming Messiah having been chosen as the blessed one.
In this context, the virgins are all humans in the world; Jesus died for all. The same way any other virgin could have been so favoured to be the one to conceive Jesus, so also every man in the world has access to salvation by believing in Him. So, you who have answered the call of salvation is highly favoured among other virgins (every other man who Jesus obviously died for) to have conceived Jesus through your confession of Him as Lord and Saviour. You are the blessed amongst virgins. How important you are!
You are so important to Him friend. He is sending you a personal message, make effort to listen.
See you next week and wishing you a fulfilling year ahead.
Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye
I am so important to Him.