Sunday, January 13, 2019


Friend, I do hope you are taking advantage of what I shared with you last week on how important you are and the importance of receiving a personal message from God. Yes, it is most important to have a personal prophecy as much as you enjoy those of your associations.

Having said that let me share with you what God will be doing in your life for being a part of this family. It is the Innovation family prophecy for the year 2019. Prophecies can never be broken, so be ready for fulfillment of every single line.

The Psalmist began to take a meditation on the works of God and he marveled at the powerful things God had done. One of his words was on how God began to do the impossible things as it concerns the journey of the Israelites to the Promised Land and he sought to know how these events were made to happen. Things that had never been recorded in history happened to them; these were unusual occurrences that only God could provide answer to. It is from this scriptural text from the book of Psalms that the Lord will be confirming what He is set to do in our lives this year.

“The Red Sea saw them coming and quickly broke apart before them. The Jordan River opened up a path for them to cross. The mountains skipped like rams, the little hills like lambs!” (Psalms 114:3-4)
This is what the Lord is set to do for everyone associated with this family this year.


The Red Sea is a point you become completely lost on the next step to take as what is before you seem insurmountable. It is a situation where no logic works and the next thing that comes to mind is going back to where you were coming from. Those things that looked so tough, confusing and very difficult for any man to understand a means of surviving through signifies the Red Sea. The word of the Lord to you now is that the Red Sea will see you and quickly break apart. That is what will happen this year. The Red Seas are breaking and you will not run from them but walk through in amazement. You are happening!


Jordan River flows on to the Dead Sea. And the Dead Sea is almost impossible for any living creature to survive through. The paths you think will lead to your end are giving way for you to channel your course. You are walking through what would have driven you to a dead end. It is a season of miracle and the supernatural. Jordans are opening up for you to take decisions on your destination. You are no longer limited.


Mountains are synonymous to heights that are capable of obstructing sights. When there are mountains around, there won’t be free flow of movement. A man cannot see through a mountain to have a perfect view of what goes on on the other side of the platform. The Lord is making mountains (all confusion) skip before you like rams. Clarity comes to you in the year 2019. It is a year of knowing what to do. “I don’t know what to do” will be a statement never heard from you again. The mountains are taking flight.


Hills are smaller than mountains in heights. They allow you see but you can’t move towards what you can see to have a feel of it. So, many people only see the victory but can’t handle it. Ability and might come to you this year to move as the little hills will be skipping like lambs before you. You are making moves you never thought you could make in years to come.

That is the word for this family in the year 2019. And He is a faithful Father who watches over His word to bring it to accomplishment. However, there is a question the writer of the book of Psalms put forward which is cogent to seeing the manifestation of this prophecy for the year:

“What’s wrong, Red Sea that made you cut into two? What happened, Jordan River, to your waters? Why were they held back? Why mountains did you skip like rams? Why, little hills, like lambs?

The answer to these questions is the key to activating this prophecy for the year.
I will be writing on that next week. Don’t miss it!

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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