Sunday, April 1, 2018

Just in Three Days!

I was teaching the teenagers in my fellowship yesterday, and we stumbled on a very important line of thought as regards the events around the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus. It so blessed me
immensely and I believe it’s going to bless you too.

In the course of Jesus’ earthly ministry, He gave His disciples signs that He was going to die, but, resurrect to life on the third day. Towards the end of His ministry, He began to make it clearer how He would die and definitely rise to life afterwards. It was not supposed to be a hidden agenda to the disciples, it should only take the world by surprise.

“I will be betrayed to the chief priests and others Jewish leaders, and they will condemn me to die. And they will hand me over to the Roman government, and I will be mocked and crucified, and the THIRD DAY I will RISE TO LIFE AGAIN” Matt 20:18b-19

Jesus explained to them on different occasions how it was all going to pan out. In fact, they had seen Jesus raise Lazarus back to life on the fourth day. Jesus had power over death, sickness and demons. He kept showing them all of these just so they would believe His word that death would never be able to hold Him down.

However, the disciples, including the most zealous one among them, Peter, were in utter misery as soon as the death of Jesus was announced. They started a discussion on how to face the world, having been seen daily with who they thought would have saved the world. They saw Him do outstanding miracles, in fact some left John the Baptist for Him because they believed He is the real deal. How could it all just end in a twinkle of an eye? None of them even remembered His words on rising back to life. They were in tears!

Why were they in so much pain, fear and doubt?

Why could they not believe God’s word that He would come back to life?

Now, imagine if they had come to the light of the revelation that Jesus was eventually going to rise on the third day; Imagine how they would have walked the street in confidence; filled with joy and confessing what was going to happen. Just imagine! They would not have spent their time in misery. This means their misery wasn’t the truth; what seem to bring bitterness (The death which could represent loss, pain, fears, worry etc.) is the real source of the joy they were hoping to keep.

Just in three days, the story changed!

Now, how does this apply to you in this current state?

There are many words you have received from God, either through prophecy or revelations from His word. Your expectations are high and you know so strongly that the Lord gave these promises. But, it seems the seed of the fulfillment of that prophecy is dead! This sends a man to a state of intense doubt and grief.

How can one explain how a man was going to be the Father of many nations with a wife who already passed the stage of menopause over and over, but, still told she will bring forth her own child? The seed tied to that promise is being biologically sound for reproduction, but there is an invisible seed (The Word) that calls the visible seed to obedience.

With the current challenges that looks overwhelming, what has been your reaction? Is it as that of the disciples who were mourning who is not “dead”? If only they knew all of their grief would end in three days, their disposition would have been different, but, they were in utter pain because they couldn’t understand God’s word to believe it.

That business, idea, relationship, marriage, may be looking dead, however, His word over these is still very much alive. You are coming out in your three days.

I challenge you today to hold God’s word over your life. Do you know it’s all a matter of three days? Your three days may not be figurative as it happened to the disciples, however, whatever the Lord has said concerning you may not look like it now, grief not, He comes. If only you know in just three days all that you ever wanted will be under your feet, you’d keep a joyful attitude today. Just in three days! The whole story changed.

This is Jesus’ word to you friend:

“Let not your heart be troubled. You are trusting God now trust in me” John 14:1

Let your source of inspiration be God’s word; it’s truer than any circumstance you may find yourself. Choose to believe the Word.

Just in three days, you would laugh and rejoice; He is risen on your case.

Seize grieving over the issue, your three days is almost here.

Your seed may be dead; His word is alive; seeds obey to the Word.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye