Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Tomb

If you are a regular reader, you should have gotten my mission; which is to make Christ known, the Truth, exactly the way He is, not by experiences or facts but by the word. And this is towards ensuring you live the victorious life He has designed for you- Innovation.

The tomb is a large vault, typically an underground one for burying the dead. It is a place of final rest. In some part of the world, it is a disgrace for the remains of a man not to be buried. The place to site the remains becomes another issue as some draw importance to this. The Tomb is quite significant!

There was a problem on earth which brought about a separation between man and God. This was the error of the first Adam. Sin wasn't the end product of the virus that ravaged the world but death. Death is the final destination of any inclination to sin. Remember God already told Adam and Eve they would die if they ate of the fruit they were forbidden to eat in the garden. You can be sure His words are true, it actually resulted into death-a separation between man and God after they ate it. As a way of ensuring this death was managed God introduced the animal sacrifices, but, animal blood could not act in full restore man to God.

If there was death, then there was a tomb. 

Death is symbolic, it signifies submission. Adam submitted to the serpent, so they died to what they submitted to...their life was then buried in a tomb-Hades. 

Jesus came into the picture to ensure life came back to man. Christ needed to die so as to get to that tomb where the life taken from man was kept. The life was there in that tomb (Hades), He took it and was able to come back because He is life and resurrection, that wasn't His domain. The disciples discovered they could not find Jesus in a tomb where He was buried, He had gone because He could not have His final rest there, and that would never be His Tomb. He has a "tomb"up above, not beneath the hades, in God.

When you took the decision to live for Christ, you are raised from the authority (legal right) that tomb (hades) has over you and transferred to the domain of the Tomb (God) through Christ. Jesus Himself takes your corpse to the Tomb (In God). The implication of this is that you are dead and buried in God.

"If ye then be risen with Christ...for ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God" Col3vs1&3.

Remember when Lazarus was to be prayed for by Jesus four days after he had died, they had to open his tomb, and unwrap him before Jesus could attend to him. When you are dead (submitted) in Christ which direcrly implies you are buried in God, whatever will inflict you as a way of touching your life will dig Christ, uproot God and then seize you. You are no longer in that tomb (hades) where the devil governs, you are now in the Tomb (God).

You are now of a different kingdom.

A Nigerian police officer cannot arrest an American offender in America. It’s not his territory, all he can do is to report to the American authority. Remember bro Job? Satan had to speak with the authority first before making any move. This is the Truth! 

Should anyone care to cast a spell or any enchantment against you, it’s an effort in futility. You are dead! How can a dead respond to call? As a matter of truth, what responds as for those who use dark powers is the spirit, which is what is locked up in Christ and buried in God. 

"No curse can touch Jacob; no magic has any power against Israel. For now it will be said of Jacob, what wonders God has done for Israel"Num23vs23

You could still doubt this truth measuring it with the situation of someone you know or yourself who has been very fervent with God but seems there is a peg on the destiny, setback or a generational curse. Job wasn't struck by the devil! Wherever authority emanates from is where the real action takes place, all other players are actors. Satan could not have touched Job without receiving the authority from God. So it was an issue of the Tomb using the devil to know how comfortable Job was in His burial site and if he truly understood glory. Tribulations are not indications of the devil having sway over your life.

Tribulations are valid signs of where you now belong. The faith attracts it, but, be of good cheer, He has overcome for you. It is not to fret over what the devil is doing or had done. God is fully in charge!

You are dead. You are secured in the Tomb. You are far above curses. Go this week knowing no one can get to the Tomb, that's where you are. Exercise authority over that situation. Believe right.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye