Monday, March 28, 2016

its a formula!

There is an interesting portion of the scriptures in the book of Philippians which I often hear people recite as a prayer point and, make some references to Paul. I had always thought it was a prayer point too as its usage in the gathering of believers until the Spirit beckoned on me to see deep within.

“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death” Phil3vs10

Paul wrote the letter in the book of Philippians from prison in Rome to some very dear friends in Philippi as a response to their sending money to him in order to meet his needs. He begins by expressing his confidence in them and then describes some problems he faces in Rome whether he will die or not he does not know, but if death does come, he will rejoice in the presence of Christ.

In this letter Paul was encouraging his Philippi friends to rejoice in the Lord no matter what the situation looks like. He did more of teaching about Christ’s humility in the first two chapters and how they should pattern their character according to the example of Christ. All of these words from Paul does not suggest someone who does not know Christ. Paul satisfied two criteria for knowing Christ. Those who do know their God, shall be strong and do exploit. He was in chains but still was strong for the Lord, his exploit for the Lord is beyond human comprehension.

The truth of that scripture is that Paul wasn’t praying, he was only making a statement of how he got to where he is. It’s a formula of how to bet to that stage where you are totally sold out to God. This is important for you to know because it is central to your salvation. Paul started counting that all those things he thought before very worthwhile, he had thrown them away. All the laws he followed, thinking that was the route to God have now become things of the past. He says he counts all worthless that he has discovered something more precious which is trusting Christ to save him. He made it clear that God’s way of making us right with Himself depends on faith- the formula.

In essence, he is saying “I did all of these (dropping the laws, counting all worthless for Him) that by doing these I may know Him and the power of His resurrection…” Bro Paul wasn’t praying to know Him. He retorted that until He did the only thing which makes a man know Him, He didn’t know Him. Isn’t this simple? “There are things I do before thinking they will get me to Him, but His death had worked out all of that, now there is a new and easier method- believing in Him”. This is the power behind resurrection.

Now, to make you see how true this is, in the next verse after he made that statement, what he mentioned is that “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect…” if he was praying, he would have encouraged them to also recite the prayer but in humility he was telling them I am not telling you this to make you see me as perfect but follow me in doing this so you can also know Him. It is a formula.

There is nothing that makes the Christian race as frustrating as trying to make yourself right with God, that isn’t the formula. The men of old tried for thousands of years, it couldn’t work until Jesus came to buy for you right standing with God by His blood. He doesn’t need you to struggle to be right with Him because it will only end in pains, all He needs now is believe in Him. Believe He has made you right, you are the righteousness of God, that’s the essence of His resurrection.

Are you still struggling with sin? Do you find it hard to just enjoy your Christian faith? Does it seem like a burden to you? This is because you have not known Him and the power of His resurrection, the fellowship of His sufferings made conformable unto His death. How do you do this? Drop all your effort, just believe!

As you go this week, try to start a real Spirit led life and not a written down led-spirit life. Let the Spirit take the lead, submit!

Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye



  1. I am always blessed, each time I read these God's inspired word. God bless u bro

  2. I am always blessed, each time I read these God's inspired word. God bless u bro

  3. Demystifycation of another mystery. A timely exposition.........

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
