Sunday, December 16, 2018


We are in a very tough time that the urge to quit on God is increasing by the day. This validates the statement of Jesus on if He was still going to find faith in the world when He returns. There are seasons that we must come to understand so as to learn to live through such moments victoriously.

The disciples had Jesus in person living with them. It was a very glorious moment for them, being tutored by the King of kings Himself. They followed Him daily listening to His teachings, counsel, and words from the throne of God. At every instance of performing a miracle they were there. They were used to the man, Jesus.

This relationship they had with Jesus was so intimate that they never wanted Him to go. You wouldn’t blame a Peter swearing that he will stand against anything or anyone who tried to take Jesus away. In fact, not even the words of Jesus Himself could convince Peter that the Messiah had to be beaten, disgraced and killed. The kingly lifestyle of demonstrating God’s power is a desire anyone would want to come to an end.

That was a particular way they have come to know Jesus- a direct relationship but they never knew there was something higher than that which God had planned to help them have through Jesus. They never knew the purpose of Jesus was just to make them have a glimpse of the power available in Him through God and to show them how they have been provisioned to do much more than He was doing. The life He is to give up is to birth another life, they never knew, so it was hard for them to accept the departure of Jesus.

However, the time came, Jesus was crucified and He ascended to the heavens.

That was where the problem began. The man they have had confidence in is now gone. The whole energy they had dissipated. Even though Jesus appeared to them at Galilee and on some different occasion, it still wasn’t satisfying because they had only learnt having him present with them bodily daily.  So, the leader of the team felt that was all that was to them in God.

“After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he himself. There were together Simon Peter and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples. Simon Peter saith unto them, I go fishing. They say unto him, we also go with thee. They went forth and that night they caught nothing” John21:1-3

Jesus had told them earlier He was going to make them fishers of men but they had no hope of seeing Him again, so they returned to their usual trade. They couldn’t comprehend that the absence of Him in the body was only a feeling; He was still very much with them. Suddenly as they were fishing Jesus appeared.

They were almost missing out on the big plan because the familiar was being taken away. They taught Jesus was away. He never leaves; He is always with His own. It was only a transition period, to glory.

“But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus.” V4

How is your walk with the Father? The breaking point where it begins to feel God is away is only a transition period into what is greater. At this moment it is always as if God no longer exists and the usual treatment has all been taken away. In fact, at this period you begin to question the truth of the gospel. Prayers may no longer look interesting, neither the study of the word. The usual things you do that bring you greatest excitement may begin to look very uninteresting.

These are signals of the season of translating into a greater glory available in Christ. Just as the disciples never knew the Holy Spirit guarantees the presence of Jesus even though it was no longer physical. He is always there with them but in a more glorified realm. You are only transiting and the way to go is staying on course; keep doing what you have always done even when it is most uninviting. Don’t go back to fishing (your old life), you could get more frustrated.

It only looks like He is all away. Friend, He is very much there. He only wants you to dig dipper and also to demonstrate Him more in a higher dimension. The urge to quit is real, but it is a set up to move higher. Pray more, fellowship more, study more…just stay devoted. You are transiting to a higher glory.

“And I wil ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you FOREVER” John 14:16

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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