Sunday, March 13, 2016


There is something you need to know! He told me in the middle of a prayer and I discovered it’s an open secret. It’s there for us all to see but not all know its nitty-gritty. It’s open because you hear it almost everywhere and every time but it remains a secret because you have to be initiated to understand and take of it. A secret is something kept from the knowledge of any but the initiated. This is where the deal is, you have to be initiated.

The initiated are those who have been given the grace and accepted it to see beyond the present age (If you are yet to truly submit to Jesus as the Lord over your life, I implore you to do so just now). When a man is initiated he can have an active part of a group. He would no longer know about the group but know the operations of the group.

He told me this secret which is opened but you won’t know its operation if you are not initiated. This kind of initiation requires your conscious knowledge. This is the grand question as touching the secret: How can I have peace?
Have you asked this question and somehow it seems every of the answer given are abstract? All seems not just working. I am going to show you the scripture, I told you its open but let’s see the secret behind the open letter.

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” John 16v33

In the process of having His valedictory service, master Jesus begins a session for His disciples to prepare them for administration when He would be away. He told them they will be scattered. This does not suggest fun, it is a sign of tribulation. In the closing remark to them, He then admonish them to be of good cheer because He had overcome in all they will go through. He told them this so that they will be peaceful.

See the secret: Their peace wasn’t a product of a life without troubles, challenges, rejection and persecution. It is a product of His word they already received and rest on. They know troubles await them but someone greater already assured them He had fought the battle victoriously. Jesus knew the implication of this, so He said “so that you will have peace I am telling you this.”

Can’t you see there are stuffs happening in your life now that easily makes you lost your peace and the trivial part is you wishing away the Goliath? Friend, the Goliath (Troubles) isn’t the issue. It is the Goliath that is meant to introduce your David. It will come but you have overcome. When David saw Goliath, all He could see was the power of God at work, he never taught for a minute about the mighty Goliath. The big problem is the church sees the devil as the author of everything unpleasant in the life of a believer and the devil is now a very important personality that he is addressed in the better part of most of our meetings. As long as you have been initiated, the blank truth is that the devil has no such power over you. God has! Whether what you pass through is interesting or not, God is got the wheel of your life.

I sense there are some long standing unpleasant state that has stolen the peace of many, and has long remained a point of reference to bind and cast the devil. Some weep in their closet. It is time that ends. Your peace isn’t outside the storm. They wouldn’t end because you feel them not, but on your response to what He says about the situation. Is it an infirmity in your body that you have accepted as a normal you, it’s now “My Headache”! It’s time to locate the word and rest on it, you will have peace over it. When you feel it, and your heart is telling you “I am healed by His stripes” there is shift that that occurs in such a terrain. It’s called the power of the Word! Your peace in Him brings peace on the situation, don’t look for peace, its within.

Feed on the exact word he gave me as you go this week: WHERE PEACE IS, IT ISNT THE ABSENCE OF STORM BUT ABILITY TO REST ON HIS WORD... did you see that? Go enjoy your week in peace.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye


(PS: Cornerstone Vision Ministry, an interdenominational ministry holds her March retreat 18-20, 2016. Theme: Who then shall be the greatest…” at Success Camp, Opp RCCG Youth Centre, Lagos/Ibadan Express way. Ministering: Bro Segun Ariyo. Registration, Feeding and Accommodation is free. You don’t want to miss this encounter)

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