Sunday, May 14, 2017

Dream?; an opportunity to negotiate

I slept so deep. Far away in the dream land I found myself seeing some strange and scary events. I woke up, sat up and as expected, I got into prayers as regards what I had seen. It was a dream that had to do with some people I knew, with two of them in some form of danger. It is natural to be scared and call these people to share with them what I saw in my dream but that has not always been the case with me. I always decline in sharing such because I know the devil feeds on fear.

I have seen people who got so scared from what they saw in the dream that they begin to live in the dictate of the fear that exhumes from such dream. When you see anything that is strange and begin to live courteously in response to the dream, you are beginning to lose out on your birthright.  Yes, I know there are times it comes in such a very scary way that can so make one lose his peace. Beyond not taking dreams that are revelations overly seriously because of the caution not to swerve into fear, I never knew there is another reason why I shouldn’t even fret at all.

As I knelt down to pray, I discovered something interesting that the Lord said to my spirit. I heard what sounds like “this is an opportunity to dialogue”. I pressed further in my spirit to get a better understanding of this. It became clearer to me that I didn’t beg the Lord to reveal what He is revealing to me. It is on his prerogative He Saw it necessary that I should know about what is happening or would happen. This means I have a say on the issue. In essence, when you see things, it’s not about the Devil, it is God seeing you as a valuable partner in the journey of life. He wants you to have a say on the matter.

God told Abraham that He wouldn’t do anything without Abraham being in the know of it. God didn’t tell Abraham of His plans so as to scare Abraham. He could have just gone back to his domain sad after hearing the bad news and feel this is what God has chosen to do. However, Abraham seized the opportunity to enter into a dialogue with God. He had to negotiate avoiding the doom that was coming upon Sodom and Gomorrah where his brother lived. He did all he could until he saw the situation was beyond salvaging. When you are shown things, it means you are important in God’s agenda. When you see anything evil about a friend or family member, it is not a time to think about the Devil’s attack but to dialogue with God.

God gave Eli this bounty opportunity. He sent a message to him on how his children were fairing, Eli missed it in the place of his responsibility. He saw God as the almighty who didn’t need the input of His creation. So, he requested God to do as He so please. This didn’t end well for him and his entire household. As a result of his action, his lineage lost the privileges accorded them by God. King Hezekiah was one man who didn’t miss out on this. He was told the time he was going to die as God will request for his soul. He immediately went on to dialogue with God and got a fifteen years extension.

You would see that the dreams the king of Egypt had were dreams that were so negative. It all pointed to an evil day ahead but when God’s choice (Joseph) got into the picture, from what would have ended up to be a doom for the country, it became a source of income.

I will repeat it over and over. As long as you have come to accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, there is nothing the devil can do to you again. So, he uses those things at your disposal that you are ignorant of against you. His first instrument is fear. God expects you to come into dialogue with Him after seeing that terrible event in the dream, not to turn to feeding the fear in you by running around in search of the devil responsible for what you saw.

Friend, anytime you dream and it scares you so much, the devil is not a party in the negotiation. Sit down with God and map out the way you want it to turn out. You’d give the devil some power by making him feel important. Go ahead and just draw the way you want things to be. You are now a joint heir with Christ.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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