Sunday, May 21, 2017

Just Like the Pharisees

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, all other things shall be added unto you” Matt 6vs 33

On hearing this very familiar scripture, I motioned and began to wonder on the two key concepts therein- “The Kingdom of God” and “His Righteousness”. The question that puzzled my heart was: “is there a difference between “His Kingdom and “His righteousness?” Actually, the use of “and” in between the two concepts predicts they are different, because, “and” is a conjunction that is used to indicate an additional thing, situation or fact.  If there is a difference, then, it automatically translates that one of the two can be found and not the other or one would be dependent on the other.

I went into the questioning of this and discovered it is one of the central message preached by Apostle Paul. He was particular about this in most of His writings. Just as today’s church, the Jews believed they could lay claim to the God of heaven and according to what was promised to their father,Abraham, the Saviour belongs to them. However, Paul’s message to them revealed there is no superiority in taking possession of God after the death of Jesus. He tried to let them know there is a different way to knowing God from what they had practiced in Judaism.  

The kingdom the Jews had been accustomed to was that which expected them to meet up some requirement before they can be found worthy before God. They have had a number of this through the systems operated by the Prophets, Priest and King. 

From most of what Jesus preached, He was particular about the kingdom. The only operational system in the new kingdom Jesus began to preach was “His Righteousness”. So, much more than the kingdom is the system that operates in the kingdom. This was a very strange part of the whole message for the Jews. The Pharisees had only known the laws- what they had to do to be accepted by God. As such, they only had a mental picture of a God they needed to satisfy with how much they can do for the God.

“Unless your righteousness is greater than that of the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders, you can’t get into the kingdom of heaven at all” Matt5:20

That scripture above confirms the conclusion that His kingdom is different from His righteousness. Hence, to get into the kingdom, you must get into His righteousness!

The Jews couldn’t deal with this new system, so they lost it to the Gentiles. Knowing fully well that this was going to be strange to the Jews, God ensured the extension of the gospel to the gentiles who found it easy to understand His righteousness which establishes His kingdom. The purpose of taking the gospel further was for the Jews to see that the kingdom can only be retained by His righteousness.

Now, just like the Pharisees, I have observed that so many Christians still want to do it in the way of their traditional belief or culture. There is a system you have known before coming to Christ, but still want to follow the systems operated in your old kingdom.

The kingdom can only be kept with His righteousness. How much do you struggle not to cheat, lie, use profane words etc.? If you still struggle with those, you have not known His righteousness.

The kingdom is where the will of God is done. You easily come into that when you confess Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. While His righteousness is what makes you do His will, unconsciously, in His kingdom. Until you understand His righteousness, you may be struggling to keep His kingdom. That’s the currency of the kingdom.

Blessed week ahead.

(P.S: For a broader knowledge on righteousness, get my book “I am Not a Sinner. You can order here)

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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