Sunday, September 8, 2019


I was to take a teaching on the Kingdom of God with the textual source from Matthew chapter 6 and verse 33. I have known this scripture all my youth life, so I began to wonder what else to teach from this aside the fact that we look towards the kingdom of God first and not our needs. In fact, I had done an article some years back explaining the difference between His Kingdom and His righteousness. So, I was in between the thoughts on whether to just do what I had always known.

I can’t explain how exactly I got into seeing that there was more to that scripture than all I had known. I saw in a different light how this could be a tool to getting into some dimension of the spirit. Let’s get into this.

The same account of this verse in Matthew is seen in the book of Luke where it is clear that Jesus was addressing the disciples and not just the multitude when He made this statement.

“And he said unto his disciples; therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on… But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you” Luke 12:22/31

From this it became clear to me that there is more to seeking of the kingdom. It could not have been about coming to accepting Jesus as these were people who already accepted Him as their Lord- disciples are people who are under the tutelage of a master. So, I discovered the kingdom of God could be in two dimensions, as a place (in Christ) and as an operation (System of activity within the place.)

If we flip back to the beginning, Adam and Eve had the kingdom. It was an extension of heaven on earth and the physical location was Eden. Man was operating within this location and must have seen the kingdom to be all about Eden. Man failed to understand that the kingdom was beyond the location but an operation of God’s system. The system that made the physical existence of the kingdom possible was the operation of the kingdom. So, without the operational standards of the kingdom Eden was just as same as any other place. Immediately man missed it in operations, the location was taken away. This means that the operational system (system of activity) is what makes the location (Eden) a kingdom.

The physical location now is Christ. By the reason of salvation man can become a citizen of the kingdom. This is coming into Christ. But there is more to this which the seeking of the Kingdom is pointing to in that scripture; it is in understanding the operations of the kingdom. You can have the location- Christ and still not understand that the expression of the kingdom is beyond the location, i.e. it is beyond your coming into Christ but expressions of the operations of the Christ. This is why a man can be a believer and still be oppressed by the Devil.

So, as it concerns every area of your life, there is a seeking of the kingdom for it; this means there is an understanding of the operations of God to delivering results. You are no longer permitted to do things the way it is done in the world. Eve wanted to become more like God, thinking there is a way to getting there by having a taste of the fruit. She sought another kingdom which brought everything to a halt for man. She didn’t understand that there is an operation system of the kingdom on becoming like God.

Saul failed in this; he thought what makes him a king was just the anointing (the anointing being as coming into Christ). There was an operation of the kingdom that established him as a king which he failed on and this made the anointing of no use. He carried out a sacrifice he shouldn’t have and this brought an end to his reign. David had the opportunity to kill Saul but he knew the operations. He knew the anointing alone was not enough to make him king but understanding the operations of the kingdom that established him; he spared the life of Saul.

There is an understanding of the kingdom to every life issue which means seeking of the kingdom and then every other thing we desire will be added. David sought and eventually he became king indeed.

This is seeking the kingdom of God- understanding the operations of the Kingdom to getting needs met and results obtained.

So, what exactly is it you are looking forward to? There is a seeking of the kingdom on it; an operation of God to delivering it. Don’t go ahead to deliver an Ishmael when the kingdom provision is an Isaac. Seek the kingdom!

I hope you understand this.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye