Sunday, January 21, 2018


Friend, I am taking my time to establish on what God wants from you this year in order to ensure we both have a very instructive testimony to share at the end of the year and not just thanking God for life but also, fulfilment of prophecy.

Having established that you must have an existing relationship with God yourself, get the light i.e. know the direction He wants you to take and also, making effort to take steps in line with what He is showing to you; there is one other important point I need you to digest from now.

This is one of the events that may likely come with the prophecy you have received; it is usually a test of expectation. When expectations do not come at a certain period of time, human nature is most likely to waver and then faith begins to droop. Remember how Saul couldn’t wait and this led to the collapse of his kingdom?

I don’t know the word of prophecy you are standing on for the year or for the season; be it your year of financial breakthrough, spiritual prowess, marital settlement, new height, new dawn or what have you. Let us get into what to do after you have ensured STEPS -preparation and plans- in line with your prophecy are in place.

Israel was drifting completely away from God as idol worshiping became the order during the reign of King Ahab; it displeased God greatly. As a result of this, a prophet, Elijah, was sent to Israel; there was not going to be rain or dew in the land was his message. And the prophecy became the reality in the land.

Three years after, the Lord told Elijah to go tell the king that He will soon send rain again. At this time, there was already severe famine in the land, due to the scarcity of water. On the occasion of delivering God’s message to the king, Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal and Asherah to a contest. He challenged them to see which God could send down fire, so the people can know who the true God is. Ahab, the king, was present on the day of this power proof. The prophets of Baal failed to bring down fire on the altar of sacrifice as all attempt proved abortive. However, at an instant, Elijah called down fire on an altar drenched with water.

Immediately, after this awesome demonstration of power, Elijah told the king he could hear a mighty rainstorm coming. The mighty rainstorm Elijah heard was not the physical one as no other person could hear it. It was a sensing in his spirit, just the same way you can sense this year is going to break forth for you, despite not having any physical hope anywhere yet.

After his declaration, even though he was instructed by God that there shall be rain, Elijah climbed to the top of the mount Carmel, got down on his knees, with his face between his knees, and asked his servant  to go look out toward the sea for the rain in reality. The prophet began to pray in line with the expected prophecy. His servant returned that the clouds were as white as the face of Jesus on the mount of transfiguration.

Elijah returned to this position, confessing what he had seen in the spirit to translate to the physical. He sent his servant the second time, there was nothing, he followed through same process until the sixth time and it was as if he had never heard God rightly. I thought the prophet would have left it to God to do whatever he wanted, but he persisted, believing.

On the seventh attempt, the servant came back with a good report that he saw a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea- that was it. The prophet kept on at it. He never missed out on the word he knew he had received. He kept confessing it. The reports that came at the six failed attempts didn’t deter him from keeping on in his confession that there shall be rain; glory to God, there was rain.

Back to you friend, just like Elijah, you are the prophet over the territory of your life now. Has the Lord said there would be rain? When the rain is not coming in the first month of 2018, don’t slow down on your confession. If it’s not coming in the second, third, fourth or fifth month, don’t change your confession to: “there may be rain” or “as long as there is cloud, I am okay”. He said there shall be rain, keep confessing that.

Your confession is key to keeping your expectations alive. And, expectation is powerful, it makes you live in the reality of what is to come and that is key to delivering the supernatural- it is a product of faith. It helps you stay in the right position to take delivery of the rain. Don’t stop speaking it even when it may tarry, until you see it become a reality.

My desire is that you have a perfect year!

You know ahead now, when time tests you, don’t lose your confession. The prophecy will be fulfilled; prophecies can’t be broken if you believe.

“That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God” 1Cor2:5

Be Innovated

Olufemi Ibitoye

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