Sunday, October 29, 2023


I was invited to teach at a church recently and the topic was around identity. As I prepared for the message I began to see the concept of identity differently. Let me share it with you. 

I saw that Identity is linked to birth and that man becomes an exact image of what gave birth to him. A thing is identified by what gives birth to it. Just as the scripture says a tree is recognized by its fruit. So, the concept of identity is linked to the phenomenon of birth. In the beginning, man fell and the order of men became that of the first Adam that fell. The man began to struggle because there was already a disconnection from what powered man’s life earlier. 

Paul was about to be beaten after they were locked up in jail and he remembered immediately that he was a Roman citizen. The knowledge of being a Roman citizen gave him an identity that comes with certain privileges. His identification with his ancestry brought him freedom. Identity is a product of birth. 

This is the drift; death became a thing for a man who came from Adam. He became the father of the dispensation that led to death. This means that men began to look like those who gave birth to them. Adam was supposed to look like God but the disconnect that came from the act of disobedience made man not look like who gave birth to him. Before the fall, the man had life and didn’t have death as a worry. However, death came afterward. Man began to die, this means man took after who then gave birth to them.

It took the coming of Jesus to change the narrative. So, we had one birth in the first Adam that all men took after. A system that death was the final, there was no antidote to death as man only had to manage the outcome of the death. Jesus came and went to the hades and seized the authority of the devil. He went beyond death and gave us resurrection. The scriptures then say as many that believe in Jesus they shall be called the sons of God. So, a new Father emerged at the instance of what Jesus had done.  

This means there is now a new identity for man, as long as the man is in Christ. 

The man who took his identity from the first Adam only knows death as the final, there was no redemption. However, the man who now takes his identity from the second Adam, Jesus, does not have death as his final. In my Father, I saw that death isn’t final, there is resurrection after death. 

What this says to you is that if you are in Christ, death is not final. Death here is not talking about the physical cessation of life alone but coming to a point where there seems no way forward. It could be business, marriage, career, finance, or any area of life. The identity (example) we have seen in Jesus is that death isn’t final and the response to death for a believer is resurrection. 

You will rise again even if anything dies in your hands. 

If you don’t rise, then I need to question you on who your father is. 

Be Innovated,

Olufemi Ibitoye


  1. Powerful revelation. Thank you for sharing MoG!

  2. 😇 nothing dies in my hands

  3. I have the life of Christ in me
