Sunday, November 12, 2023


I realized many of us have not been taught about the different dimensions of miracles that the Lord works in our lives. Our teachings have gleaned more towards escape and deliverance as the model of God’s miracle in our lives. 

So, I need a job and the only miracle that I’d testify about is that God finally came through for me and I secured a job in a desired company. I needed to get married and the Lord came through, my spouse showed up and we settled down in a nice part of the city. This has always been our definition of faith and the miracle of God.

The Israelites had experienced what was a great miracle at the hands of their oppressors in Egypt. The Lord gave them a miracle before their enemies. They left Egypt with a shout of victory. They went ahead to also cross the Red Sea that no man could have crossed without the divine hand of God. They then had to spend more time journeying to the promised land. As much as the scripture records that they could have journeyed through the land in a shorter time, there was a miracle that we don’t emphasize in the 40 years of their journey. 

For forty years you sustained them in the wilderness; they lacked nothing, their clothes did not wear out nor did their feet become swollen. Neh 9:21

They were in the wilderness for forty years and nothing happened to their clothes and even their feet were intact. In the midst of what seemed like the delay, God’s miracle was still at work. Do you know what it means to walk for forty years and not have any impact on the leg? It is beyond the natural and to cap it all, they were never in lack even in the wilderness. However, we do not see these miracles when our focus is on our definition of deliverance. 

Miracle is not always in escape, sometimes, it is also in being strengthened to stand while you are in the turbulence. 

The three Hebrew boys were threatened with fire, they stood their ground. I thought it would have been so powerful that God would show up while they were being threatened and to be thrown into the fire. The miracle happened in the fire. 

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Ps 23:4

The miracle is in the “with me”. 

You see, your definition of a miracle may not have been complete to think there have not been miracles in your life.  

Have a miracle-filled week,

Be Innovated

Olufemi Ibitoye 


  1. Powerful stuff

    Thanks for sharing this

  2. Amazing 🤩 the miracle is God being with me! Thank you for sharing sir
