I am pretty sure there are some things in 2014 you wished never happened, and when you think of it, you feel so bad when you think about them now, and silently whisper to yourself “I made a big mistake”
Let’s see the mistake of Jonah
Everyone judges Jonah to be a stubborn servant who headed for Tarshish instead of Nineveh, what a great mistake!
“There are many devices in a man’s heart, nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand” Prov 19 v 21
Nineveh is of the Assyrian nation and worships dagon. Dagon is a god made of half fish and half human, Jonah was thrown into the sea on his way to Tarshish and ended up in the belly of the fish for three days. The fish delivered him at the riverbank of Nineveh. The people of Nineveh saw him been delivered to the shore by the fish and automatically believed their god sent a messenger to them, by this, in a day there was revival in the land because he was accepted widely. His supposed mistake made him a great preacher in the history of mankind!
If you are a chosen of the Lord you don’t make mistakes... Its all a working together
Don’t break your head over all you thought you did wrong 2014. Stay tuned to Him, keep on keeping on in obedience, He’s got a master plan from all. It’s going to be a glorious 2015.
All things work together for good to they that love the Lord.
And if you don't belong to the family yet,He is expecting you,Jesus cares.
The key for 2015 is OBEDIENCE.
I say a happy new year to you on behalf of myself and friends of innovation who we worked together.
Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye.
same to you my oga