Tuesday, January 20, 2015

An exceptional youth....

The heart is the innermost being of a man that is not known by any other except the man himself and God whose discerning eyes won’t allow us to hide behind social facades, adopted mannerisms or walls of materialism. Before God each man is seen just as he is. His innermost thoughts, thoughts he may wish to hide from the world, are exposed by the light of God.

In this present world we find ourselves where things have gone awkward and immorality is the order of the day, it becomes almost impossible to find youths genuinely standing for God. I was in a gathering of more than about 2000 Nigerian youth and was gravely disheartened at the rate at which the devil has crept into the heart of man. I wept within me because with this set of youth we might not have a better Nigeria we pray for. The things of this world have taken a larger part of the heart of the young generation, what brings fear to beam my heart the most is when this same set of people handles the microphone in the church, leading the congregation to the presence of God.

A generation where sex is equated with being hungry for food which must be satisfied, illicit words are those edifying amidst the youth, disrespect to elders is now pride, child-birth out of wed-luck is a competition and the society is not helping at all, teaching the youth to involve in immoral act skillfully by using protective measures to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. The church that is expected to be the last resort is concentrating more on doctrinal pomposity and predominance; it then becomes a serious challenge to this generation as going to church is not even an antidote to this menace. 

 There is overflow of joy in my heart since I knew there is a solution in the word of God, which tells me we can be EXCEPTIONAL despite the level of decay, if only you can believe the word and take it for life that it is. 
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” Prov 14v23
When your heart is circumcised in the Lord, then you can overcome the god of this world because you will no longer do what is of this world, you begin to see things that are above and not here on earth.

If as a youth passionate about Christ, you don’t go against the will of God because you don’t want to, then your heart is yet to be genuinely circumcised. Until you don’t go against His will because you just can’t then you are where He wants you to be.
“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God” 1John3v9   

David and Saul at a peek………………
David was a faithful servant to Saul, but at several occasions Saul sought to take his life but the Lord spared his life, this simply shows Saul became the enemy of David. The truth is David will be glad to execute Saul, fortunately for him the opportunity came….1Sam24v4-6

David would have gone against the will of God but he could not, not because he didn’t want to but because he cannot, his heart was circumcised. Little wonder he became the man after God’s own heart. This is a stage where you do not see sin as just about you losing your desired relationship with God which will bring pains to your heart but as wickedness against God. Joseph would have sold his destiny cheaply for sexual pleasure but he didn’t do it because he knew it was a great wickedness against God and not just about him. 

You can’t help yourself; let the Holy Ghost do the work.

Circumcision represents the removal of the fore skin, when your heart is circumcised it means your own ability, strength, will and capability is removed for the Holy Ghost to reside and act in consonance with God in you….for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do his good pleasures.

And if you are yet to give your life to Jesus, He is waiting for you to confess Him with your mouth and believe in your heart. There you are having eternal life   

Is your heart circumcised?
 A circumcised heart; an exceptional youth. You can be EXCEPTIONAL!!! 

We will be glad to receive feedbacks from you.

Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye.