Sunday, September 20, 2015

Anointing Misconceived 3

If you have not read the last post please before proceeding it will be helpful you do here now

I ended last week revealing that the anointing isn’t the anointing oil. The anointing oil only serves as a pointer to the anointed. The anointed man operates in a way that is beyond every other person and seen as a representative of God. I also made you see how the olive oil isn’t the anointing oil and you need to see more that beyond the oil a man can still be anointed.

There are three groups of persons who had access to God in the Old Testament and exercised authority; the king, priest and prophet. This three groups underwent different forms of anointing process. The holy anointing oil is what is used mostly to anoint priests in the Old Testament. It was an instruction given by God to ensure acceptability and access to God

“Then he poured the anointing oil upon Aaron’s head, thus setting him apart for his work” Lev8vs12

For the Kings who also were among those that were separated from the people with the special ability to lead the people to war, represent them and protect the territorial integrity of the nation had a different form of being anointed. The olive oil is commonly used to anoint the king. You are quite aware now that the olive oil isn’t only what make up the holy anointing oil. This then makes it clearer that the anointing oil isn’t the anointing.

“Then Samuel took a flask of olive oil and poured it over Saul’s head and kissed him…”1Sam10v1

The prophets are very unique of all. The prophets are mostly anointed by contact or call. Elisha when he was to be anointed by Elijah only had to contact Elijah’s coat and that signified the anointing. Moses was called by God Himself and all he needed to do was to obey, no oil was poured on him before he began to perform for God.
All these three group of persons were anointed, not all with oil but they were anointed. What then is the “anointing”?

It is imperative to know that the death which took place in the Garden of Eden is central to understanding what the anointing is. God is a spirit, and, for Him to relate perfectly with man, the man must also be a spirit. What represents life in man is God’s spirit that abides in him. The spirit of God in Adam was the reason everything Adam does was exactly what the Lord wanted. Every of the animal named by Adam was just what was in the heart of God. He didn’t need an anointing to do any of this. What got missing was the anointing and this is what every form of contact seek to bring back- the Spirit of God.

“so as David stood there among his brothers, Samuel took the olive oil he had brought and poured it upon David’s head, and the spirit of Jehovah came upon him and gave him great power from that day onward”1Sam16v13

After Saul was anointed, he began to prophecy, a new spirit came upon him. The prophets after they received the anointing began to see into the mysteries of the kingdom. The priest can now hear and instruct the people in the way of the Lord after he receives the anointing. Things they all couldn’t have done naturally they began to do. One thing is peculiar to all the three group of persons; they received a new spirit at a contact with the anointing indicator (Anointing oil, olive oil or contact).
The anointing is the spirit of God. That is what was lost which brought about the need for every form of anointing process. That is it!

This series will be concluded next week with “the anointing in the New Testament”.

Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye


  1. Watta Demystification of enigmatic mysteries by a mysterious God in a man.
    I missed last week's edition, but at the completion of this week's dose, i can outrightly say i'm on track.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
