Sunday, April 10, 2016


Last week I started sharing on the sharp divide that exists among Christians. I explored on the attitude of the first divide which comprises of those who have given so much strength to doctrine and have made a substitute of it to what they refer to as righteousness. If you missed that last week, please do read here before going ahead.

Having made an exposition of what righteousness truly is i.e. having a right stand with God which comes by no other means but believing in the son of God. Now here is the second divide that justifies all actions that seems not to be in consonance with God’s government by simply reciting “it’s an era of GRACE”. This GRACE seems to have been misconceived and ill understood.

If my righteousness is not as a result of what I do- my works- and also I don’t earn it by any effort but by believing, isn’t that also saying I could act as I want knowing fully well that it isn’t what makes me righteous. I have often heard those who belong to this divide say “as long as my mind is ok with God, it is the heart the Lord looks”. This indirectly means it is about the heart, every other thing doesn’t matter.

I am quite worried at the rate at which the devil has used this misconceived truth as a tool to feed the flesh of supposed believers. The depth of immorality in the church has taken this dimension to flourish. Immorality has become the “New Normal” all in the name of GRACE. If you belong to this divide that thinks all that matters is your heart, then read carefully.

First I would like to let you know that man is tripartite being. You are made of the spirit, body and soul. The heart is used interchangeably with the Spirit sometimes in the scriptures. If the heart is all that matters then there wouldn’t be need for the body after Christ came, He would have redeemed the Spirit and transform all those who come to Him into spirit since you think the other part of the tripartite nature of man doesn’t matter. Your mind exist within the compartment of your soul, the scripture enjoins you to renew your mind, if only what matters was your heart (Spirit), this wouldn’t be necessary. As long as you are here friend, these three parts are most important to Him. He owns all of you.
There is something beautiful about the heart you have missed at some point. Out of the heart flows the issues of life, the outside is designed from the model of the within. So, if you make that statement to justify your actions which seems not in line with God’s government, you are confused.

“either make the tree good, and his fruit good, or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt; for the tree is known by his fruit” Matt 12:13

The tree represents the heart and the fruits are the visible produce of the tree. On the one hand, if the tree is good, the fruit will definitely be good and on the other hand, if the tree is corrupt, the fruit will be corrupt. This means the tree (heart) is in sync with the fruits (what people see). To know the tree, it is by the fruit.

If a mango tree produces mango, no one can ever question it for that. Anyone can be angry because the mango blossomed so much, not because the tree produced mango fruit. But, when a mango tree produces grape fruits, then it calls for questioning. Can you imagine the mango tree saying “it’s my tree that matters”, without any doubt the tree is confused.

I quite agree with you that there are extremes as those who belong to the first divide who just make big issues out of nothing but if it is a consistent thing for you to be questioned about your conduct there is a need to check if you are really born of God. Even when a mango fruit is bad, people still recognize it as a mango. Why can’t people sense Him naturally in you even before you introduce yourself?

The reason much premium is given to the Spirit is because when He possesses your Spirit, it is expected HE begins to control the other part of your being, if this is not happening, you only know Him as Saviour, not as Lord. 

You have only murdered the essence of GRACE if that is what you justify your actions with. Perhaps you thought GRACE IS JUST ABOUT BEING DELIVERED FROM THE LAW, you missed it, and it has another side to it. IT IS BEING MARRIED TO JESUS. You can’t be married to Him and constantly you are questioned about your produce.

(You can read more on Righteousness in Olufemi Ibitoye’s book “I am Not a Sinner”)

Does this sound like works still needed with grace? Be set as the Lord unveils what works mean in this dispensation next week.

As you go this week, would you please genuinely reflect on this; is Jesus the Lord over your life? Don’t feed your flesh hiding under GRACE.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye


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