Sunday, May 15, 2016


I discovered in the place of prayer why it seems some people’s life is without troubles, even though we all exist in the same country where the economy is in a mess. It’s about two kingdoms, one government.

Colonialism was first God’s idea. It is a practice of ruling other nations as colonies. He brought Adam and Eve in His likeness and they had a colony here on earth where He, the colonist comes around ones a while to check on His baby colony. Adam was in the kingdom earth but in reality it was an extension of the Kingdom heaven. God still ruled there. Adam was just a consular general. The image of God is the constitution of heaven that became replicated by Adam on earth. Two kingdoms but one government.

Incidentally, this system was polluted when Adam and Eve rebelled against the government of the colonist. It became difficult to receive orders from there, all forms of aid and support was put on hold, communication disrupted. This was the genesis of troubled heart for man. Man began to live with inability to have his heart fixed on God, he became worried and had every responsibility to take care of his “needs”.

Adam and Eve before the break had no time to think of themselves because the colonist controls everything. The only obligation they had was SUBMISSION to the code of conduct which is BELIEVING.

Is it that there was nothing to worry about in Eden? The scripture in Gen 2vs8 made us to understand God decided to make for man a helper suited for his needs. One thing is pivotal here, the man had needs. Need according to the dictionary is what you require to achieve a desired goal. If this is absent, frustration can set in.  Needs is the mother of desire and springs forth into “troubled heart”. Imagine a man in a financial crisis; that’s a need. The need if not well handled could lead to depression.  So, you see Adam had needs even in the Garden of Eden. He had issues that could frustrate him but the good news is that he was never bothered or troubled. There was never any record of such because he was in agreement with the colonist, his colony had no reason to groan.

Now, this is the system that was defeated by the first Adam, the second Adam sought to bring it back. This is because without this, man cannot endure the pressures of Needs. It is simple “I will bring a kingdom to you, you don’t need to leave the earth, just do one thing; submit by believing in the Son of God”. This translates you to become a colony. Two kingdoms, one government.

This is exactly why He says, my yoke is easy and my burden is light” Matt 11:30. He is not a ruthless colonist. But, because He knows the effect of the kingdom you are, He admonishes you to cast your care upon Him, He is the colonist that cares for His colonies. So, some actually feel the heat of this world but it doesn’t have effect because they are not under the earth government, it’s a camouflage. They answer to their colonist; can’t you see He himself suggested the cure to Adam’s need? Be a colony, it transfers your welfare to Him, the colonist.

Do you want to live a settled life? As you go this week, can you just live in this reality of being transformed to another kingdom? Don’t be carried away by what goes on here. You don’t belong here.

(Peradventure you have not given the throne of your life to Him completely, you can do so now by just asking Jesus to come live in your heart, that you accept Him as your Lord and Saviour (Amen).)

Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye


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