Sunday, April 30, 2017

6 Lessons...From Joseph, the butler and the baker

The story of Joseph is quite an interesting one. I was in a meeting two months ago where a man of God shared on Joseph and his experience as recorded in the book of Gen 38-40. Today I want to share some lessons deduced from this story as I was blessed under the ministration.

Joseph is one of the sons of Jacob and a much loved one. He enjoyed special treatment from his father. He made for him a special cloth with multiple colours to making sure he is always very fine. His brothers were never comfortable with this, I guess that’s almost natural when it’s obvious one person is showered with much love than others. The matter became worse when Joseph started having dreams about God’s plan and purpose for his life. He was just harmless, he saw no reason not to discuss it with his brothers.

Lesson 1… Constant discussion of his dreams only got his brothers to feel bitter towards him the more. KNOW WHEN, HOW AND WHO TO DISCUSS WHAT GOD HAS SHOWN YOU WITH.

His brothers finally plotted to kill him. That wouldn’t be possible anyway. The Lord already established what was going to become of him. They decided to leave him in the dungeon with Reuben planning to come back for him. However, in the process of doing this, they opted to sell him to Midianites merchantmen who were passing at that particular time.

Lesson 2… God’s plan for his life was in the midst of his brother’s decision. They would have killed him but the prophecy on his life was speaking. Prophecy cannot be broken. NO MATTER THE PRESENT SITUATION, NOTHING CAN CHANGE OR STOP WHAT GOD HAS SAID CONCERNING YOUR LIFE.

He was eventually sold to the trader from Egypt. Joseph ended up in Potiphar’s house where he was going to be a slave. He served his master faithfully and soon was known to carry a special spirit. In no time he became the head of other servants. His master gave him access to everything in the house except one thing- his wife. Fortunately for him, this one thing he wasn’t allowed to touch was looking for him. Potiphar’s wife came after Joseph for sexual pleasure, but, he wouldn’t give in. she resulted to blackmailing Joseph. Since he won’t have him, she decided to destroy him. Remember Joseph is a prophecy, nothing can break a prophecy. That was how Joseph found himself in the prison with offenders for what he knew nothing about.

Lesson 3… Joseph was in prison for what he never did. It’s almost natural to think the storms came as a result of the last thing you did wrong. NOT EVERYTHING THAT GOES WRONG IS A PRODUCT OF SIN.

It was recorded that immediately Joseph got to the prison, the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph’s hand all the prisoners that were in the prison; and whatsoever they did there, he was the doer of it. He became a leader even in an unpleasant condition.

Lesson 4… Joseph still showed forth his spirit of leadership because in the midst of the trouble he received the mercy God gave him. DON’T LET ANY SITUATION TAKE AWAY THE GIFT GOD GAVE YOU. THE GIFTS OPEN DOORS FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE VISION

Along the line as Joseph was serving his prison term, two people also offended the king; the king’s chief butler and chief baker. The duo ended up in the prison. Fortunately again for Joseph, they were put in the same ward, the place where Joseph was bound. The two officers slept and saw a vision in their dream. They woke up confused. They didn’t know what the dream meant. These men can be likened to the chief protocol officers of the president today. Those who were always with the king, living a life of affluence. You can imagine how demeaning it is to find themselves in the prison just overnight.

Lesson 5… How could these men still dream and receive accurate revelations under such pressure? DO YOU STILL HEAR GOD UNDER PRESSURE? DON’T YOU FEEL SO BAD THAT YOU CAN NO LONGER SEE BEYOND THE PAINS?

Joseph seeing how much they were troubled reached out to them. He asked why they looked so sadly. And they told him they had a dream and there is no interpretation of it. Joseph explained to them how interpretations belong to God. He requested they told him the dream.

Lesson 6…The butler and baker considering their status could have died of depression emanating from thoughts of being in the prison and from a dream not understood. Depression is fast killing today and have led some to committing suicide. HELP IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK. 

I am sure these lessons will charge you up for the week.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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