Sunday, January 7, 2018


I did make it clear last week what is needed of you at a time like this for the year; it is not about the word for the year, but the word- which serves as the light- for every moment in the year which no pastor would give you but you will have to listen for yourself. I feel so strongly that the Lord is calling for a fellowship beyond service this season. The summary of my message is for you to become completely conscious of listening to the inner voice of the Holy Spirit within you in order to know what to do at every point in time; this is the only way to avoid stumbling this year.

In lieu of this I will show you why you must take this as serious as life itself. There are many good advice out there even from a trusted spiritual brother but, they may not be the actual intent of God at that time. They sound good but God is not in such counsel. So, a man without the light (actual word) on the inside will go with “good counsel” and this is dangerous; it will limit your exploration of what God has for you. You need your inner-light.

The scriptures in the book of Acts revealed to us how Brother Paul was planning to go to Jerusalem for the sake of the gospel and it became emotional for the brethren who still wanted him around. In preparation for his departure, several farewell program began, moving from one place to the other. They then got to Caesarea, the home of Philip, the Evangelist, one of the first seven deacons. While they were there, a renowned prophet came to fellowship with them, Agabus. In course of the prayer section, Agabus began to operate in the supernatural. He took Paul’s belt, bound his own feet and hands with it, he then gave a prophecy, saying:

“The Holy Spirit declares, “So shall the owner of this belt be bound by the Jews in Jerusalem and turned over to the Romans” Act 21:11

Immediately the brethren- all the local believers and Paul’s traveling companions- heard this, they begged Paul not to go on to Jerusalem. They were right, this was a good advice, and it’s extremely logical, not even after there was a spiritual confirmation to their view: a true prophet of God has given a prophecy and those who love the man of God do not want any evil to befall him. However, Paul rebuked them immediately, letting them know he was ready not only to be jailed at Jerusalem, but also to die for the sake of our Lord Jesus.

Paul wasn’t just willing to lay down his life without a direction. We read of how he listened to his companions who laid him down through the wall in a large basket to save his life from the Jews who wanted to kill him (Act 9:25). He ran for his life; the same man who ran for his life in while defending the gospel wouldn’t listen to his disciples on what seem to also serve as a protection to his life.

Do you know the reason why despite all the darkness (death threat) that was obvious, he was not changing his decision? He already saw the inner-light: he had received a word from the one who is the fulfilment of all prophecy and life Himself. Paul was sure of what he was getting into. The light within was clear even though everyone around saw darkness on the outside. They were right actually, but, this light is beyond the comprehension of darkness. Boldness is different from faith. Faith is not bravery, it is acting on that which no other man can see, but you have received in your spirit. The light (word) is the substance of faith. Now, see what Paul already saw that they could not see:

“And now, I am going to Jerusalem, DRAWN THERE IRRESISTIBLY BY THE Holy Spirit, not knowing what awaits me” Act 20:22

If Paul had not been sure to receive this word from God, fear may have taken him over and probably change his direction. The word you have received helps keep fear far away from you. Paul eventually went and in the midst of the darkness, his light shone and not only that, many people were brought to the knowledge of the saving grace of Christ Jesus.

Friend, when you come to the place of having a personal understanding of God, you will become so instructive in decision making that beyond emotions and good counsel, you will know what to do. Paul could have played it safe, and all of the exploit the Lord wrought through his hands in the course of that journey would not have been recorded.

When you can get to listen to locate the light, your result will be exceptional. Man may think it is not safe but if the light gives the signal, it is a set up to experience phenomenal result. Don’t take a step just because it is good or emotionally appealing, locate the light and even when it is against the popular view, don’t be afraid to move. That’s where your treasure is.

When there is an inner-light, you will know when a counsel is good but no God in it and when there is God in it but not timely. Get into communion with the Father!

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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