Sunday, May 27, 2018

In His Name!

Naming is not just an ordinary event from the beginning. The essence of giving names to men wasn’t just for identification but a product of purpose. Names were suggestive of what the life of the bearer would look like. So, we see God change the name of Abraham from Abram so as to represent what He has for him clearly- Father of many nation. At any point that name is mentioned, what comes to the heart is that this is the father of many nations. In essence, names had purpose attached to them.  

As we have seen that names were not just to ensure a child is identified from the other, but, for purpose, this means it takes its root from something beyond the natural. The name isn’t in the alphabets put together but the covenant behind the utterance. Hence, the concept of name thrives on covenant which gives a man an inheritance. So, the covenant is what makes up the name.

When Abraham had Ishmael from his wife’s maid servant, he was not named after Abraham’s promised seed. Ishmael could not share from the name (covenant and inheritance) of Abraham because naming wasn’t just about the blood, it was more of God’s gift of inheritance that springs forth from an established covenant. The inheritance of that name- Father of many nations- was tied to Sarah and no one would have it. So, we see clearly that name as it were isn’t just about the chronological computation of letters but a covenant that gives birth to inheritance.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves…” 2Chr7:14

The Israelites were now people called by God’s name. This didn’t change what they were called from Hannah, Samuel, or Jacob to God, but it means they are tied to God in a covenant and an inheritance is attached to this. This is all because God swore by Himself as He gave Abraham the promise that reigned from him through to the household of Israel. The name there wasn’t an appellation, it is the import of a covenant.

Jesus came as a man to the world with the purpose of saving the world from the grip of sin. All He had to do was to die for man with the hope that God would raise Him back to life. He went about doing miracles, speaking to the people about the Father and a coming kingdom. At all of this times, prayers were not said in His name, but to God, the Father. In fact, when He taught the disciples how to pray, it had no reference of Him because He was yet to enter into the covenant to birth the inheritance of that honour.

Then, we see Jesus changing His sermon when it was about time of His departure. He began to teach them about praying in His name which was not the trend before. He is now about entering into the inheritance in tandem with the covenant established by the Father.  So, praying in his name became tenable. The scriptures uses the word “shall” which is a word that portrays a future event which is definite to happen. This means, until I have done the needful, you now have access through my name.

“And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” John 14:13

Now, we see that the name isn’t in calling the combination of the alphabets Jesus, but understanding the covenant behind the name so as to earn the inheritance therein. There are many people in the world today who answer the name Jesus, so, praying in the alphabets arranged to make a meaningful sound is not the deal about prayers but the idea behind a name is the covenant and inheritance. As soon as Jesus played His part by obeying unto death, He entered into His inheritance of a name that now shuts every other authority. So, we take authority in His name, that is, in the covenant that establish the inheritance of his name.

“Being made so much better than the angels, as he HATH BY INHERITANCE obtained a more excellent name than they” Heb1:4

“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth” Phil 2:9-10

Hence, the name didn’t change in alphabets but a covenant was initiated. His name became the access point to God and to receiving the Father’s promises. So, the covenant attached to this name is that at the mention of it every other authority or power bows. They are not bowing to men who talk the alphabets, but people of the same kingdom where the inheritance flow. This is why Colossians 1:13 talks about being transferred to the Kingdom of His dear Son. This is where the inheritance is made available. You now have access to same things Jesus has access to, because you have come to understand the covenant that brings salvation. Only by believing in His name (the covenant and inheritance) alone, all other powers will submit to you.

So, having a full grasp of what name truly connote, you understand why we pray in His name. When you pray and declare in the name of JESUS, what you are declaring is the covenant behind the name, holding God by His word; it’s not an ordinary alteration of nomenclature. It would only be ordinary to those who have not come into the kingdom, ask the seven sons of Sceva! (Acts19:14)

Please, do call His name this week as you take authority on all sides, not as a religious practice but as a son of the covenant. In His Name!

(Next week, we will be looking at if it is needed for a new convert or a long standing believer to change name so as to avoid some evil or unwanted experiences).

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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