Sunday, October 7, 2018


I started to share last week on the ability in every believer through Christ Jesus that enables the believer say No to sin. This power being displayed by Christ Jesus gave us the assurance that living without sin daily can be our reality. If it was available to Christ in the flesh, then it is available to us.

This brings me to the question I have always heard from people after sharing this gospel of “I cannot sin”; it is always a question of “in reality, how is it possible to go daily without getting angry, being bitter, using abusive words and such that seem to come to us very naturally as humans?” 

For you to understand gaining mastery of all these so as to enter into that realm of living daily without sin, you must understand the dynamics of sin as a root and as just fruits seen to manifest in diverse forms. This will give you a broad view of the sin nature. 

In the beginning God gave an instruction to Adam and Eve not to eat from a certain fruit in the Garden of Eden. As at this period, man had a cordial relationship with God; there was no place it was mentioned that anger, malice or bitterness was a part of man. As a matter of fact, every of man’s action was accredited by God as being good. The reason for this is not far-fetched; man had the spirit of God within him.

Unfortunately, man fell, obeying the words of the serpent, therefore going against the word of God that had established them. This became a sin that transcends generations yet to be born. It can be called the capital sin. At this point, the spirit of God departed, as such, all of mankind became guilty of this sin as we are product of this man, Adam.

“When Adam sinned, sin entered the entire human race. His sin spread death through all the world, so everything began to grow 
old and die for all sinned.” Rom 5:13

So, we see that a man is not first a sinner because he lied or stole, by nature, man is a sinner. It wasn’t a matter of “act”, but of the “nature” that man inherited from the first Adam. It is a capital sin! This nature is what gives voice to the flesh which then begins to manifest in diverse forms, as we then began to see bitterness, hatred, killing etc. The capital sin is the root of all other forms of sin manifesting in man. Hence, if there was no capital sin in the first place, there would be no nature of sin, and invariably we wouldn’t have known what it looks like to steal, kill or betray. 

This is the sole reason why Jesus is the ONLY way to life. A man can try to keep away from every other fruits of the sin nature, that doesn’t change the fact that he carries the nature of sin which is in enmity with God. 

The only solution to this capital sin will also be capital death which Jesus did for mankind at the cross. So, in Christ, the nature of man changed, the capital sin was dealt with, so with the nature it produced in man. You can now produce the fruits of the nature in Christ. These are the fruits mentioned in Gal 5:22-23.

“The sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to be the king over all, but all who will take God’s gift of forgiveness and acquittal are kings of life because of this one man, Jesus Christ.” Rom 5:17

Now, what serves as the root to producing a life of sin (nature) has been dealt with in Christ. What this portends to a believer who understands the power of this transition is that you know without any iota of doubt that the sin producing spirit is dead, hence, it is natural to begin producing fruits of righteousness. The capital sin that held man bound to the cravings of sin is gone; now that the root has been destroyed, how can fruits of same plantation still abound? 

“When you come to Christ he set you free from your evil desires, not by a bodily operation of circumcision but by a spiritual operation, the baptism of your souls.” Col 2:11

“Christ rose from the dead and will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him. He died once for a to end sin’s power, but now he lives forever in unbroken fellowship with God” Rom 6:9-10

Now that you understand the place of your source being life in Christ Jesus, how then do you live daily in the reality of this new nature?

The old nature had grown over time and has become the life you are familiar with. To then walk in this new life, there must be a continuous feeding of the new nature so as to begin producing the kind of fruit in its vine. Feed on and confess the word daily about your righteousness in God. It builds your inner capacity to producing the works of righteousness. 

Understanding that in my new nature anger, strife, jealousy, pride etc., are not fruits there, each time I exhibit any of these, I confess the truth of my nature, not the situation of my present state. So, I tell myself, I have power over anger; in this new life patience is my reality because I have come to understand the truth of where I truly belong. So, I don’t make such statements as “it is just my temperament or my weakness”. No!  And as my mind hears the truth of my new nature consistently, His Spirit in my spirit works it out supernaturally.  Anger begins to lose its hold over me over time as I continue to feed my mind with the truth of who I am in Christ till I gain mastery over it entirely. 

It is a settled case that your spirit cannot sin since it is born of God; it is now your responsibility to give life to it through feeding, confession and faith in the word. It works wonders.
Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitioye

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