I had shared with you the secret to winning the battles you consider as really big in your life. It was unveiled that it is the same tool you have been using in winning the smaller battles that will also win the bigger once. All you just need to do is to put your trust in God and not in whatever tool He has placed in your hands.
The emphasis on trust in God is because many people idolize tools and make it look as if it is the real deal outside of the God who made it prosper in their hands. It is important you note that David never used armor to fight Goliath but used armor to fight other battles after that. So, it wasn’t as if the armor in itself was a problem but understanding what the Lord has provisioned for you at the time of the big break.
If you have been laying hands on people to get healed of headache, you don’t necessarily have to think to heal an ulcer patient you need to go on a three days fast because this particular challenge is obviously bigger. That is comparing problems with the God of heaven.
However, there is dynamism to this you must see, so you don’t become ignorant when you should be doing something not necessarily more, but different. Today I want to open your eyes to something you also need to know beyond the fact that it was the same tool David had used over and over that brought about victory when the big battle confronted him.
The scripture made it clear that David was in the wilderness fighting with lions and bears in order to rescue the lambs of his father and the instrument he used was his shepherd staff. He had his sling too but when it came to fighting with the wild animals, he faced them with the staff to club them down.
“when I am taking care of my father’s sheep, he said, “and a lion or a bear comes and grabs a lamb from the flock, I go after it with a club and take the lamb from its mouth. If it turns on me I catch it by the jaw and club it to death” 1Sam 17:34-35
David had his sling and staff; the staff was what he uses to club the animals whenever they come for the lambs. So, naturally he should have gone for his staff to club Goliath. However, as he was to approach Goliath, the Spirit of discernment came upon him. He immediately went for stones to put in his bag. There had been no record of a major event where he used the sling, but he had it with him. That moment, his fellowship with God was demonstrated. He could discern that what would finish the battle was the sling, so he needed to find stones.
“Then he picked up five smooth stones from a stream and put them in his shepherd’s bag and, armed only with his shepherd’s staff and sling, started across to Goliath” v40
As much as David could win the big battle the same way he had always won those once he faced alone in the wilderness, there was still the place of discernment on what to do. At that instant moment he pulled off Saul’s armor, it must have been the Spirit of God that led him to picking the stones by the stream. His connection to God added spice to the victory.
Battles, no matter how big they may be looking before you don’t change the capacity of God. The same way you have won the battles that didn’t look significant is same way you will win the bigger once, but, you must be sensitive to the move of God. David had the sling all along. It wasn’t something new or something he had not used before. This suggests to me that God has equipped you with what is enough to overcome every challenge you face. It could just be that you are rigid on using the staff that had broken the head of the lion when God wants you to use the sling you think would be only for hunting birds.
Spiritual sensitivity cannot be separated from winning battles. God is not just going to prepare your victory, it is what you have and the means to assessing it is already within you. You may just need to be sensitive a little to know the sling in your bag and check around for the stones in the stream. Can you imagine how God already positioned all the needed tools? And, they were not strange to David.
Friend, don’t allow the challenge throw you into efforts that you think match up with the height of it. If David was to confront Goliath based on Goliath’s credential, he should have gone back home first to prepare his entire arsenal better. All David did was to measure the Goliath with His God who he has a relationship with.
Discernment saves from a whole lot of troubles. Get to become acquainted with the Father.
Increase your fellowship with Him beyond the church activities. Inside of communion is express discernment. It comes naturally at that level.
Have a victory-filled week.
Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye