Sunday, November 24, 2019


I was listening to a message in course of the week and suddenly a word came to me differently even though it was what I have always heard before and knew so well. It is something the Lord was dealing with me on and it is a way of saying “no matter the situation, you cannot miss it”. This is principally because the direction to the life of a believer is no longer in his own hands even when he wants to do otherwise. The covenant is powerful than you if you have truly tasted of the “Grace”.

Have you seen the president of most countries? They are usually in the company of a convoy. And when it is time to come down from their cars, even though it could be their desire to touch and have a feel of the crowd awaiting them to show gesture, their movement is usually limited by a group of people who have the duty of guiding the Excellency.

It is the duty of these set of people to ensure that the president does not get into a terrain that is not safe. So, as the president moves, they are all around him to ensure any attack that may want to come to the president is inflicted on them. In fact, from study, I discovered even at the president’s request to get into some situation which from their own experience is an unsafe terrain for the president, they have the power to ensure he doesn’t get into such; they can stop him even though he is the president. They have the duty of guiding the president. So, the president doesn’t even have a say when it comes to securing his own life.

The life of the president must be preserved at the expense of their own. They will gladly lay down their life for the president. So, knowing this, the president follows their direction as he enters into any crowd. They are all around him left, right, front and back. It is so amazing that he just has to follow their lead to get to where he is billed to be.

Two things you must note here: One, the “guides” have the interest of the president at heart and whether the president likes it or not they are always there to show him the way and definitely the safe way. Two, the president does not have to know why they choose to take a certain route or guide him along a certain path; he knows it’s their duty to get him home safe.


“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will GUIDE you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak and he will show you things to come” John 16:15

Having painted the picture of what it looks like to have “guides” externally on earth here, I want you to see how amazing it is to have one on the inside. After the fall of man, there was no way man could understand the ways of God again. It became difficult and the need for prophets to stand in the gap came up. However, after the death and resurrection of Jesus, man can now have access to God again. But just like the earthly president, God knew man would run into trouble, so He left us with a guide who will guide us into all truth.  But this guide is a permanent one, on the inside. The earthly “guides” would definitely leave the president at some point but the one we have got never leaves. How amazing!

“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you FOREVER” John14:16

If earthly “guides” would give their life to the survival of a mortal man like them, then just imagine how much more the Holy Spirit will do for you on Jesus’ instruction to ensure you have a beautiful life and live His will. Whether you like it or not, as far as you belong to this kingdom, He is guiding you into all truth. So, there are times you wouldn’t have explanation to why He is prompting you to do certain things; they may not be the things you want or desire, but He just keeps on ensuring you are guided.

You must come to that point you know you cannot miss it, not because you are being boastful but because you now know the investment placed on you. There is a “Guide” who has that responsibility of delivering you into all truth and He is one who doesn’t fail. So, when you have come to a situation you have lost your strength and you feel there is nothing you could do again, just remember there is a “Guide” appointed to you. His responsibility is that you come into all truth, that is, into the place of peace.

You must walk in this consciousness. He is here for you. Even when you don’t know what to do, He has the duty of getting you home. He never leaves.

“For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey him, and helping you do what he wants” Phil2:13

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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