Sunday, August 2, 2020


When you go through tough times, it is usually almost natural to feel you can’t hear God. The pressures that come from the pain or circumstance surrounding the experience tend to be so heavy that your reception of God seems flawed. However, your natural place in Christ is direction.

I want to share with you how you can come out of what it is you are trying to get clarity on.

I had an issue that bothered me so heavily few weeks back and it began to make me sick. The thought of it alone was enough to drain me and clarity was far away as I wallowed in pity and meditated more on the pain. It became a major issue for me as it was bringing all other things to a halt. I just needed answers. The cloud in my heart made me speak with a mentor who began to help me out. At that point, I was just looking for who would tell me this is what to do and this is where you should go. However, when it comes to the things of this kingdom, the responsibility for hearing and doing is every individual’s call. No one is to hear for you, what they can do is give counsel and confirmation.

He then gave me an assignment to spend time in prayers to get clarity after quality time of counsel and teaching as it concerned the subject matter. I had been feeling weak like God was far away and I can’t hear Him. So, his charge got me up and I took out time to stay alone and pressed in into God. All that I was looking for was gotten.

I got clarity beyond what I was asking for. So, it dawned on me that all along God had not been silent; I was the one who has been shifting my responsibilities to someone else.


You can hear for yourself!


At salvation you received the spirit of God which is evident by the presence of the Holy Spirit in you. The scriptures made us to understand that it is God that draws men to Himself. It is not about how powerful who preached is but the workings of the Holy Spirit.

“Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” John 14:6

No man is saved without having being convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit. Salvation is a response to the prompting of the Holy Spirit which then makes a man turn to Christ. To bring man back to God (salvation) is all that Jesus came to do. If you are a believer, then, it means you have heard God and done His will at the point of coming to give your life to Christ. You could not have surrendered of you didn’t hear the word of God that prompted you to doing His will (Salvation).


“This is the will of God, that you believe in the one who he has sent” John 6:29


You started hearing God at the point of salvation. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have done His will (which is to turn to Jesus). The whole essence of looking for answers in a time of confusion is to hear God so as to do His will. This meant that you were able to understand and do the will of God even as a beginner in faith. Imagine how much capacity you now have since you have been in the household of faith. There is so much power available to you.


The worse situation any man can find himself on earth is to be unsaved. At that point of being lost, God was able to find you to speak to you and you heard Him. And, this salvation is a personal responsibility you took. No man could have helped you take the decision or to be convicted. It was the workings of the Holy Spirit in you. So, if you can, all by yourself get through the deadliest circumstance on earth, there is no situation you go through, now that you are inside of God, that you will not hear a voice behind you telling you this is the way to go. All you need to do is surrender by staying with the Spirit resident in you. The answer is closer to you than you can imagine.


This is what I am saying, as a believer you have heard God before on the worst situation any man can find himself on earth-being saved. And since this is the case, you can hear Him again. Do what you did at salvation that brought you into His perfect will on that issue that threatens your peace - surrender.


I really do hope you get this!

Be Innovated

Olufemi Ibitoye


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