Sunday, September 27, 2015

Anointing Misconceived 4

This is the last part of the series on “Anointing Misconceived”. This series is to help you know what the anointing truly is, who is carrying the anointing now and how to use it. If you have missed the first three parts, please kindly read before going ahead here
From my first post I made it clear that the anointing is not the anointing oil, neither is it the olive oil. In the last post I concluded with unveiling what the anointing actually is- The Spirit. The Spirit of God that died in man in the Garden of Eden is what need to be restored. The material (oil) is only used as a contact point to ensure this. The anointing is the Spirit. The Spirit is what God relates with.

If you wouldn’t leave behind also one of the points I made in the course of this study, pointing out that only few people had access to the “anointing” in the Old Testament. They had a ticket to communicating with GOD- the priest, king and prophets except some exceptional situation as of Gideon. From the scripture, I see that this isn’t the plan of God. He wanted to be our all and all men be king and priest on earth, not just a few.

“And you shall be a kingdom of priest to God, a holy nation…” Exo 19v6

How does the “anointing” operate in the New Testament? Is it still a few that has the monopoly of the anointing? Now let’s get into this. 

The old system of having one man to seek God on behalf of others was because the blood of animals sacrificed couldn’t hold for long. This system has now changed, Christ had come, laid down His blood, not for one person or a group but for the world. By His blood, everyone then has equal access to God. I mean equal!

“Let US therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” Heb4v16 (NkJV) 

It is US not some, everyone who believes in Jesus as the Son of God is a member. There is a change in the system of access since Christ’s death and resurrection. The only access has become the Son.

“Yes the old system of priesthood based on family lines was cancelled because it didn’t work. It was weak and useless for serving people. It never made anyone realy right with God. But now we have a far better hope, for Christ makes us acceptable to God, and now we may draw near to him” Heb7v18-19 (TLB).

The anointing is what separates the priest from every other, because he is anointed he could approach God but, God wanted more. He wanted all not a few to be able to access Him. The real deal is here, Christ Himself became the anointing oil that makes man acceptable. Christ was anointed to become the anointing to as many that comes to Him. 

Christ knows so well that the Spirit is what the anointing is; He was with the Father in the beginning. So, He left the scene and gave the room back to the Spirit. He did this on the cross when He gave up the ghost. The Holy Spirit was now restored fully in capacity of the way it was in Eden. But, to annex the anointing (Spirit) you have to believe in Jesus, that is the oil.

“Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us is God; who hath also sealed us, and given earnest of the Spirit in our hearts” 2Cor1vs22 (KJV)

God anointed them in Christ and what was dished out? Earnest of the Spirit. As long as you have come to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you are anointed. Chosen and set apart just as the priest, king and prophets were. 

“But you are not like that, for you have been chosen by God himself- you are a priest of the king, you are holy and pure, you are God’s very own…” 1Pet2v9 (TLB)

This is Apostle Peter’s letter to Jewish Christians who are living in Asia Minor, it isn’t to senior pastors, evangelists, prophets or general overseers. It is to you that have accepted Jesus to your heart. You have been chosen, you carry an anointing- the Holy Ghost.

Bro Ananias isn’t an apostle, the scripture describes him as a believer not any of the titles most revered today. He was used to restore sight to Paul and indirectly launched the great apostle into his ministry (Act9v10). What do you think Ananias carried?

The anointing is to show light, occupy space, and take dominion, not a prerogative of those who belong to the “five-fold ministry”. No, not anymore!

What exactly is the situation in your life, work place, school, society and you just whisper to yourself “it’s beyond my power, I need to see those who are anointed”? This is for you:

“All those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them, and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them” Mark 16v17 (TLB)

Nothing like higher anointing, it is the degree to which you “believe” that produces the manifestation of the “anointing” (Spirit) you carry.

As you go this week, can you just get angry and practice the anointing? You are anointed!

(We have come to the end of this series on “Anointing Misconceived”. If this has been a blessing to you, kindly share with friends to bless them as well).

Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye