Monday, November 28, 2016

The Gifts & The Call

I have heard a portion of the scripture used in different ways which I feel doesn’t so align with its original intent and I thought it’s necessary to look into this. We must move away from an unspecific Christian life where it seems we can’t be sure of what God says about certain issues. As some will say it’s God who knows those who serve Him. Such comments are not biblical. Here goes the scripture:

“For God’s gift and his call are without repentance” Rom 11vs29

This I have heard most of the times to be interpreted to mean a man can derail from the ways of God and still perform in the capacity he did before the derail. Perhaps there was a gift the person manifested in, despite no longer being in God, it is without repentance he still performs excellently. So, it is used to explain the scary situation that you may be so active for God but been long rejected by God.

This assertion seem so true and have been the knowledge existing for over a decade now. Even though it sounds so true, it is not in context. Let’s do a little perusal of the scriptures.

The question is what gifts is the scripture referring to and what also is the calling? The book of Romans is one of the books of the bible that centres on explaining what salvation truly is, how to receive it and how to keep it. Paul spent much time exposing the truth of the gospel to the Gentiles who were seen as the enemies of God.

The gentiles who the Jews believed were not a part of God’s family were also extended God’s grace. This, Paul had to explain well to the Gentiles so they don’t miss out on God’s plan thinking they have become God’s favourites as against the Israelites.


The Israelite are finding it difficult to understand that the gifts of God doesn’t come by being a fruit of Abraham, so came the need to make them see this by introducing it to people who are not of Abraham. Even though they are God’s elect (Called) by lineage and inheritance, they needed to launch into the new order of accessing God’s gifts. It was difficult for them to understand this until they saw gentiles manifesting God’s grace.

God had not and cannot withdraw His election (call) of the Israelite and as such He has not stop giving them gifts (salvation &Holy Spirit) but they are finding it difficult to understand the method to receiving His gifts. They were first introduced to this. 

So, in that scriptures Paul made it clear to the Gentiles not to see themselves as the new favourite of God or be so joyous thinking they are better than the Israelites. The Israelites are the root, Gentiles are only engrafted branch. For God had made His promises to the fathers of Israel and had made Israel His elect; this which can never be reversed. This call (Election) and gifts (Salvation & Holy Spirit) are without repentance.

As far as the gospel is concerned they are enemies on the gentles account but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on the account of the patriarchs. The rejection of the Israelites on God’s method of the gifts (Salvation & Holy Spirit) does not change God’s promises on their election (call).

He was addressing guys who were just understanding the basics, not those who were already taking solid food. The gifts isn’t just about healing, performing miracles and all He has to give. Those are gifts wrapped in the Son because they can be done now only in His name through the Holy Spirit which explains why it is called the gift of the Spirit. God’s own gifts came in the Son and He called men to enjoy it.

In the old covenant, the gifts and call is summarized as Promise, in the new covenant it is called Grace. It has been dished out, God can’t revoke it, but there is a formula to receiving it. So, the gift isn't all about performace but renewal. And if you think you can derail and still be fire brand without knowing, something is wrong somewhere. 

“…whoever lives in me and I in him shall produce a large crop of fruit. For apart from me you can’t do a thing” John15vs6

If as a son of God, you are drifting and you still feel same way you felt when you were standing, the devil has taken complete sponsorship of your life. Ask Judas! But the good news is God doesn’t give up on you, He never repents on reaching out only if you are ready to receive.  

Friend, you are now God’s elect (call) by the virtue of Christ’s sacrifice and the gifts (salvation and the Holy Spirit) is been given but can only be received through God’s formula –Believing. He can’t revoke this two, they are without repentance. All is dependent on your reception.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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