Sunday, May 24, 2015

Afraid to be hated?

It is no longer news that the rate of moral decadence is on the increase in our world today. This would not have been so alarming if the church is not a victim. Unfortuntly the church has even become the hide-out of some. Some believe grace covers all, while others hide under the guise of "self righteousness". Can God's grace and God's government be in contrast? I am quite sure He is not an author of confusion.

The most striking aspect of it are the little foxes that spoils the vine. You sincerely have excuses for an act that seems unworthy of your status as a child of God. You just thinks there is a justification for what you do. Why does this happen?

"And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved" Mark 13v13

It was on a saturday morning, still very much asleep in my room. I heard a knock consistently, only to discover it was my uncle-we live together with my parents. He is just recovering from a serious ailment- he could hardly walk or stand. He had an exam to write that morning. He was scared to go because of his health condition not to deterorite. Why then was he in my room? " Please can you go help me write my exam, I don't want to risk it going" he said. Immediately I replied NO, I can't do such a thing. He stood for some minutes, and the feeling was like I have actually done wickedly. 

Many are holding to God quite well, but because of the fear of being hated, they defile the trust the Lord has in them. How many times have you compromised just because you don't want your friends and relations to tag you a wicked or unfair person?

When the scriptures says the world will hate you and friendship with the world is enimity with God, do you have an idea of what this means? It doesn't refer only to that man or woman out there labelled "unbeliever"; it is simply every idea that is not in agreement with the word of God. Do you remember bro Peter? A close companion of Jesus. He was at the mount of transfiguration. In fact, he saw the revelation of Jesus as the son of God which received commendation from Jesus. But, just few minutes from the commendation, Jesus said to him "Get behind me satan"Matt16v23. What happened? It was what came out of him that wasn't in agreement with the word. 

As you start this new week, go out strong. 
Don't be afraid to be hated!!!
Be Innovated. 

Olufemi Ibitoye.

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