Sunday, September 6, 2015

Anointing Misconceived

If you have been a regular reader, you should have gotten to know by now that my mission is to uncover every false belief that have long been portrayed as the truth towards innovating your thought realm to ensure you become a victorious Christian.

There is something peculiar about the anointing which you need to see and know. Anointing have been used to describe some group of persons, and most times you hear such word as “anointed men of God” and probably that suggests some men of God are not anointed; is there really anything like that? I feel more uncomfortable when people tend to fear the “anointed man of God” because of the “anointing” than the God of the anointing.

Knowledge brings liberation. Through this series on “Anointing Misconstrued”, you will be made to see what the anointing truly is and how this truth can help you move a step further in your walk with God. To grasp an in-depth understanding of this, I will take you through the time before the emergence of the word “anointing”.

God created man and placed him in the Garden of Eden. There was a perfect union between God and man. All man did was just without any form of error. This was because man was just a perfect representation of God; he had access to God directly. There was no form of fear. Man didn’t need to call God for anything, God only visited at His own convenience because they –Adam and Eve- represented “God is everywhere”. No place needed to be sacred, neither do they themselves needed any form of sanctification, purification nor better put “anointing”.

Adam and Eve then erred and this led to the eviction of the first couple from the Garden of Eden. Eden was their natural domain, they were created to function impeccably in Eden. That place signified the presence of God. Something died at the point they ate the fruit- access to God. Fear then became the nature of man. Man was now sent to a new domain that wasn’t safe because he was not originally programmed to function out of God’s presence. Everything changed from that period; they were no longer acceptable.

God still loved man despite the unbelief displayed by man to have believed the testimony of the serpent as against His word. There needed to be a temporary way out. This led to a new era of animal sacrifice. God Himself launched this new system because there was a need to still keep in touch with man even though not as it was in Eden. What was lost was life, and only a representation of life could appease for the loss- this brought blood into the picture. Adam and Eve had sewed leaves to cover their shame but leave didn’t signify life, blood needed to be shed.

“And the Lord clothed Adam and his wife with garments made from skins of animals” Gen 3v21

Blood must have been shed before the usage of the animal skin .The sacrificial system continued from then on and the purpose was to appease the God of heaven. As much as the blood of animal was used, there is a big problem with its capability. It only contained life, it wasn’t living, so it couldn’t sustain. It wasn’t sufficient to take away the sin of man, it only managed it. The blood is very significant.

There was then multiplication on the earth, the children of earth increased in number and the sin was not wiped off, it was just hanging in every generation. The only management process still remained the blood of animals. As there was increase, there needed to be some among the children of God to represent the people before God, all of them couldn’t go to God. The blood of animals is not strong enough to accommodate every man to access God, it was too weak, and it can only carry a few. These few then represent every other person. This means the person or group of persons will be set apart to access God on behalf of every of the chosen children of God.

This is what brought about the advent of the word “anointing”. Those who are now chosen to represent the rest of God’s chosen are “anointed” as a form of distinction from the others.

Sure you have a deep foundation of the concept “anointing” now.

I will proceed from here next week as we dig deeper.
You don’t want to miss this series.

Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye

1 comment:

  1. Cant really wait for the next innovative piece.

    Changing conventional believes....
