Sunday, August 30, 2015


“Then a voice said unto him, Go kill and eat any of them you wish, Never Lord” Peter declared I have never in all my life eaten such creatures, for they are forbidden by our Jewish Laws”Act10v13-14

The bible is an ancient collection of writings, comprised of 66 separate books, written over approximately 1600 years by at least 40 distinct authors. The history of the Bible begins with the Jewish scriptures. The historical record of the Jews was written down on leather scrolls and tablets over centuries and the authors included Kings, shepherds, prophets and leaders. The bible is written by inspiration of God for every man; both believer and unbeliever has access to it.

All scriptures is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrines, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” 2Tim 2vs16

The bible maintains its freshness for all times. The Old Testament is mostly referred to as the book of the law. It contains the writings of the prophets about the promised king. It has all the dos and don’ts to which God related with His children. Peter was very familiar with what was in the book of the law, all the dos and don’ts that guided their conduct. He was very careful to observe all of this. When the vision he saw contradicted what he had known he refuted it, but God of the vision knows better. That was the inception of grace in practice to the church. The system then changed. There was something that was more like a force that defines the scripture. There is a spirit behind the bible. The bible is documented to show the ways of the God of heaven to man but that document isn’t sufficient to accommodate all about Him. So came the software that will give access to individuals to search out their area of interest. This unveils the prophecy tied up in between the letters of the scripture mysteriously.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth John1v14

The word is become flesh and is manifesting now in a dynamic way, but the flesh needs a body to find expression. The word came to Peter to show him where exactly he needed to be. The law without understanding of the word would have left Peter half-fulfilled. The word has been from the beginning of the world. He knows the Genesis and He is after the end of Revelation. The bible is meant to show you the nature of the Word. When the word comes to you, it becomes your message. All the prophets of old at the point of receiving their assignment that changes the course of human history, it’s always written thus; “and the word of the Lord came to me”. There is something about the word, it strikes! The word is not as it was in the Old Covenant, it is now here inherent in you as you confess Jesus Lord.

The spectacular nature of the word makes it exciting, it speaks to a man, a situation. It is meant to solve a problem through the man He comes in contact with. The bible addresses all, but the Word addresses you. When you can’t get the Word, you will receive the word of another as your Word.
The word is Christ but, He seeks expression in every man in different ways. How does He express Himself through you? Hope it’s not as of the other man? While Jesus was about to ascend as recorded in the book of Mark 16v15, He instructed all the disciples to go into the world and preach the gospel to everyone. The word then visited each one of them on how He seeks to express Himself through them. Paul knew so well he was sent to the gentiles, while Peter was to the Jews, but God sought to use Peter as the opener of His expression of grace to the gentiles.

For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles Gal2v28

He finds a way to express Himself through every man. The bible helps, it is the navigator. Paul was away for years after he came in contact with the Word, he then got how He sought to express Himself through him.

When you get the Word, you get your message. In it He finds expression in you. As you go this week friend, take time to reflect on this question: Has He found an expression in you?
Get the Word!

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Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye


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