Sunday, August 23, 2015


Two weeks ago I started unveiling on a topic that describes the “Ring” and, from some feedbacks received, I discovered there is a need for more clarification. As three of my readers put it “clumsy”. This will remove the clumsiness. Under “The Kingdom” here, the interconnectedness of “The Ring, the Name and the Word” is expounded. But if you have not read “Where is your ring” Please before proceeding do read that here

The ring has been explained earlier as one of the important tool needed for victory. The ring has been described in the earlier post as what confirms the authority of the King. Ancient kings used Signet Rings to designate authority, honor, or ownership. The conclusion of that piece is that the Ring is your belief.

I need to clarify here that belief is in two forms. That you know God has power over everything is a type…that’s the lucid form of believe, knowledge of Him is not the kind of belief the Ring represents. The other type is “submission”- that’s what I am showing you here. Submission to Him, not just knowing Him.

In the beginning, God saw a need for man to dominate the earth, he created Adam and thereafter Eve came into the picture. He gave instructions on how to operate in this kingdom and left. Adam and Eve were reigning. They had authority over everything, because they were Kings; an extension of the God King. Suddenly, there was a breach of contract, and this led to the exit of Adam and Eve from the kingdom. The simple truth of how Adam and Eve missed out of the kingdom was believing the testimony of the serpent as against that of God. That was tantamount to rebellion. This is why the dragon was defeated by His (Christ) blood and by the word of their testimony. There had to be a shift in the testimony which also gave birth to the New Testament. All pointing to one Man- Christ.

“The woman was convinced. How lovely and fresh looking it was! And it would make her so wise. So she ate some of the fruit and gave some to her husband, and he ate it too” Gen3v26

This was the end of the kingdom-The Kingdom of God. It was lost because of man’s inability to believe Him- Submission. This is why Christ came to reintroduce the Kingdom and the principle on which it operated during Adam hasn’t changed- it’s believing. All Jesus came to preach was the Kingdom, He went about talking about the kingdom.

“Go and announce to them that the kingdom of Heaven is near” Matt10v7 (TLB)

Jesus came to bring back the Kingdom. A king without a kingdom, is one without seal- No authority. The death and resurrection of Jesus restored the kingdom. How was the kingdom lost? What exactly needed to be restored that took away the authority? Since Adam and Eve erred, the ability to believe in God completely became difficult. Only few people had legal access to God; the Priest, the King and the Prophet. But God wanted it for all as was in Eden. Jesus was able to do this, He restored the Kingdom.

God then said to Jesus, because you have done this, you shall be given a name that is above every name…that was when the name of Jesus became a force. But to use this Name, you must first believe that He came to restore the Kingdom with His own blood. Without this, authority is not issued. His name is acknowledged for that capital sacrifice. In His name, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess. Now you ask form God using His name believing. See Mark 16v17&18:

“And these signs shall follow them that BELIEVE; in my NAME shall they cast out devils; they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing; it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” (KJV)

“And those who BELIEVE shall use my authority (NAME) to cast out demons, and they shall speak new language”. (TLB)

The ring (Belief) shows forth the power of the Name!

Friend, there is been a return to the Kingdom. as you go this week, would you please exert your authority?

Now, where is the place of the bible? What is the word? Are they the same? Let’s meet next week as we keep digging.

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Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye



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