Sunday, April 24, 2016


Last week, we saw how “works” became a part of the human life, the advent of it. If you missed the post on that last week, please do read here

It was made clear last week that for man to please God after the fall, there were laws that guided every activity of man. These laws were product of anger on man, but a temporary means of acceptance. God could not discard man, His love nature still found expression. Man is the only creation that shared an identity with Him.

Now, it’s time for all man to answer for himself, the works administration didn’t help man at the same time wasn’t pleasing to God. This made God send His only Son as a capital sacrifice to end that dispensation where the sin of man was constantly in the heart of Him, Jesus didn’t come to be king, He came to make Kings. Adam was a king in his capacity before the fall. Works came as a result of the departure of the Glory that covered man. This Glory came back at the emergence of Christ. Remember bro Paul making that powerful remark that “Christ in me the Hope of Glory”.

They did all they did in the old just to be acceptable before Him. The only way to be accepted is observing the laws which was a manifestation of what is referred to as works. Now, since Christ came, works have been discarded, it’s a new regime with a new system. The new system is “faith”, your works no longer count for acceptance.

Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ…Gal2v16a

But, I am sure you have heard those who feel you still have to observe some laws now polished doctrine to be acceptable, and quickly James is quoted.

“Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” James 2vs17

What then is Bro. James trying to tell us, is the scripture contradictory?
The Old Testament is a shadow of the New Testament, all that was in operation in the New Testament had its physical appearance in the old. The problem of the present church arises from dissecting things that were before Christ and those after Christ’s glorification. All that operated in the Old still do now but not on the same platform. The old served as a model for the new. It’s your duty to discover the model in Christ. As the children of Israel were fed with physical manna in the wilderness, now you have a more sure manna from above- Christ. Now, let’s look for what “works” models in the New Testament.
Thou believest there is only one God; thou doest well: the devil also believe and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man that Faith without works is dead? James 2:19-20

This is where the difference is clear. The devil also believes there is God. What, then, differentiates a true son of God from the devil? It’s the WORKS. What is the work? It is submitting to the Lordship of Christ. The only deliberate effort in living the Christian life is in submitting to God. That is the model of the works which was in the Old- submission. Bro James made an example of father Abraham, who had faith and his work was laying down Isaac. That wasn’t observing any law, it was submitting to the dictate of God and there after people saw the good works in Abraham. It is when you submit, good works flows from the faith you profess, and this is what James tried to make us see. I sense God telling a reader to take that action even in the midst of fear. Just like Abraham, He will provide at the twenty-third hour. Work the faith, believe in Him. He has told you to do it, fear not, do it!

As you go this week, just quit all those stuffs you do hoping to please God and which if you miss, guilt swells up in your heart. Do the needful- Submit to Him, by faith. See things work out.

Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye

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