Sunday, May 29, 2016

Collapsed Foundation.

I have heard at several occasion both believers and unbelievers talk about foundation and each time there is something prevalent in this talk about foundation; most importantly in prayers. I was in such a meeting recently and the prayers had to deal with repairing our foundation. Foundation was described to be biological and hereditary. A man can be plagued with evil as a result of things the parents had done, which then constitutes evil foundation for such a fellow. I was troubled in my Spirit and asked, what differentiates me as one that has experienced the new birth and just any other? Do we still share same fate?

Foundation according to the dictionary is the part of a building, usually below the ground, that transfer and distributes weight to the building onto the ground. In essence, the foundation of a man is synonymous to his root.

There is a question in the Old Testament which answer is provided in the new. The Psalmist asked if the foundation be destroyed, what the righteous shall do. Technically, the righteous in that dispensation were those who sought to be godly but it was a difficult task as a result of the capital sin committed by the first Adam. They were in a helpless position. The foundation was erected by Adam and Eve. They only suffered a deficient structure as a result of this foundation. That Psalm is just a prophecy to the coming blessing. The next verse, Psalms 11vs4 began to describe the Lord figuratively as a building.

Interestingly, Christ came not just as a sacrifice but as a new foundation to restructure the already deformed structure. He needed to go down deeper to the depth of the ground, He was wounded because foundation is not a visible structure to collapse. He needed to go as deep as it has been laid.

Foundation is what determines the kind of structure you can have on a platform. He then announced to us that old things are pass away and ALL THINGS are become new. Now, the former foundation is collapsed in Christ. All needed is to accept Him as the Lord and savior of your life, then He becomes the foundation of your life. There is an architect He leaves with you, His name is the Holy Spirit. Each time the architect will reveal to you the plan of the building. You have been cut off from any form of foundation you can think of. Those are collapsed foundation. In a house, can there be two foundations on one building?

Friend, each time you are praying as a regenerated one for your foundation that is evil, then there is a problem. If you have any reason to pray over a faulty foundation, then it should mean there is a disruption between you and Him which you need to address, not that of your father’s house that is hunting you down.
Let’s not take the scriptures for recitation. He says ALL THINGS, not some things are become new. Pray the scripture, DON’T POUR NEW WINE IN OLD WINE SKIN. Christ is our new foundation, can He be destroyed?

However, if you have not given your life to Christ, I can’t guarantee your protection. Only under Him is full protection. Would you like to give your life to Christ completely and see the reality of the word? You can do so now by just asking Jesus to come live in your heart, that you accept Him as your Lord and Saviour (Amen).
As you go this week, all you need do is listen to the architect. He has the plan… be consistent with the Holyghost!

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye


  1. I am blessed this morning. These words make sense to me

  2. Christ is my Foundation... Then am not moved. Halleluyah. God bless you more bro.

  3. Now where comes in the collapsed foundation?

  4. "If you have any reason to pray over a faulty foundation, then it should mean there is a disruption between you and Him which you need to address". Insightful!
