topic of the true way to salvation has actually crop up many times and to my
surprise, some of our trusted elders make some “highly sensitive” statements
that calls for concern. Religion has really blocked the importance of the truth
of God’s word and this have successfully locked many outside of the gate to
salvation. I have asked from some believers on the diverse religion we have and
I hear such words as “we all serve the same God” so I could gladly do it the
way any of the religions of the world does it, since we all serve the same God.
Is this really true?
Friend, the problem is that we have taken religion above the real essence of salvation. Every religion is trying to keep itself as the best and most preferred. And this has led to several crisis in the world. I have come to discover that salvation and life is not through any religion but a life. There are several gods but there is one God.
God finished the creation of heaven and earth, He did create man as one of His
creatures. This brought the first Adam into the show who later had a helpmate.
They both went against the instruction of God and since then, there has been
separation between man and God. As a result of the love God has for His
creation He established a system of sacrifice for man to please Him. However,
this system could not bring about total restoration of peace between man and
God. Even as at this time there were those who served small gods and also
offered sacrifices to this gods.
the peace between God and man to be restored, He sent Jesus who acted in the
capacity of His son (it’s a spiritual reality, God declared Him His son), to
die for the sins of mankind and restore what the first Adam lost to the devil.
This is where the mix up is; Jesus never came to establish a religion, He met a couple of them when He came. He only came to introduce the Kingdom of the true God where He came from and how anyone desiring to can come into same kingdom of heaven. Some think being called a Christian is what makes you acceptable and by implication that is the true religion. Men gave that name Christians, that wasn’t the mission of Jesus. The word Christianity is a classificatory component of the living characteristics of a certain group of people whose life produced fruits of a man called Christ who already gave a prototype of the Kingdom. People used the word “Christians” for this set of people. Nevertheless, there was a couple who were in the group of those under this classification who didn’t live up to the standard of the Christ, even though on the outside people called them Christian.
Men brought about the classification, the man who has been to the Father only came to introduce a kingdom. Since this Jesus accepted to come lay down His life for mankind, He was then given an honor which made His name above all names. The priest in the Old Covenant had the supreme power over the people as they acted as the representative of God. The only way a leper (one who is not whole) could come back into contact with society was to have himself pronounced clean by a priest. So it is not about being clean but who pronounces the leper clean.
God made Jesus as the High Priest of the new dispensation. He is the
representation of the Old Covenant priest. So, He now has the prerogative of
declaring who is unclean clean (saved) from damnation. He is the only one with
that legal right since He offered His life. This is why the Holy Scriptures
writes that:
“ Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life, No one comes to
the father except but by me” John 14v6
only carriage to the living God remains Jesus, it is not belonging to any
religious institution. It is not a matter of having a good attitude, doing
charity or trying to be kind, it is a matter of WHO declares you saved and
acceptable. God has given only Jesus that right. So, this is why the Holy
Scriptures also records that:
“For God so love
the world, that he gave His only begotten son. That whosoever (whichever
religion, culture or background you come from) believes in him should not
perish but have everlasting life” John3v16
God says this is the only way to Him, then, any other means to getting to God
leads to somewhere else, we all may hope we serve the same God, but not all
reaches to God. It’s about the man Jesus, not about a religious body. Until
Paul met with this Man, His life never started. This is why He will also say to
some people “I know you not”. The only means is Jesus. Believe in Him!
Would you like to have an assurance of eternal life? It’s in who declares you fit for the kingdom. The only procedure is accepting Jesus into your life as your Lord and saviour. Any other means doesn’t lead to God, this is the ONLY way. Don’t miss it!
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