world system is corrupt by nature but man has the capacity not to yield to the
dictates of the world system as a result of the offer Jesus made to ensure the
nature of man changes and becomes in contrast to that of the world system. As such,
man is expected to impact on the world system and not the world impacting on
the regenerated man.
new deal is that as regenerated men multiply, the potency of the darkness in
the world reduces. This will lead us to that period the scriptures describes saying
“The knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the world as water covers
the sea” Hab 2vs14.
a minute! It seems things are not turning out this way. The water (WORD) is
been covered by the sea (The WORLD) which has now made the water polluted. We are
now imitating the acts of the world to enjoy all round reception.
the guise of grace, brethren misbehaves believing they are no longer under the
law. Preachers partially accepts ways that are against God’s will all to expand
the church and to increase church membership. Friend, the truth remains the
truth; we are under grace and not to be bound by the law. But, I see the devil
has launched out agents to make this truth that is meant to liberate souls to
bring them back to bondage. This makes it seem as if the gospel of grace is
children of the world with the act of the devil but speak like angels have
flooded the church and in the midst of the sons. They come forth with polluted
waters- “it is my heart that matters”. Now, you remember the scripture says the
devil shall come as angel of light. That is happening now friends. The gospel
of grace is the truth. But, the devil also has sent his cohorts out to act in
contrast to the fruit of grace. Grace doesn’t set you at liberty to misbehave.
delivers you from the law but doesn’t stop there. Grace gets you married to
Jesus. You can only do what pleases your partner in the institution of
marriage. Immorality is not a character of your new husband. The strategy of
the devil is to use this elements to abuse the truth of the gospel of grace.
are those things that have now become “It doesn’t matter” that used to matter
to you? Things as little as spending quality time with videos that doesn’t glorify
God and listening to songs that only speak of nothing but vain words and some
magnifying the sensitive organs of human body? You say it doesn’t really
matter, it’s called entertainment but it’s used as a tool to weaken your
spiritual immune system.
Olufemi Ibitoye
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