times when I hear exposition made on the life and ministry of bro Jonah, I feel
most of the expositors do injustice to bro Jonah. Most of the commentary only
see bro Jonah as a disobedient servant of God who made a mistake and was
disciplined for it. And perhaps nothing positive about him. I have written
about this before that the chosen of the Lord doesn’t make mistake. Every move
that looks like a mistake for the chosen only become a mission.
Jonah was chosen of the Lord to take the message to the people of Nineveh who
had strayed from God’s will. Bro Jonah took off to Tarshish as against where
the Lord sent him. Isn’t that a big mistake of his life? But there is something
you must understand “Being chosen makes you sacred”. He chose him, not Jonah
choosing Him. When he chooses a man, there is no escape route.
his way running from the presence of the Lord, the boat he boarded encountered
a strong wave that everyone on board had to start throwing off the cargo
overboard to lighten the ship. But, bro Jonah was asleep down in the hold of
ship. So the only solution was for everyone to call on their god. However,
nothing happened after they all called on their gods. The captain went down
after Jonah and was surprised how he was asleep while everyone was troubled. After
the crew decided to draw straws to see which of them had offend the gods and
caused the terrible storm and Jonah draw the short one (means Jonah was the
only solution was to inquire what would be done from bro Jonah, and he told
them to throw him off the cliff after he confessed he was running away from the
God who made the earth and sea. The men were terribly frightened when they heard
this. They were reluctant to throw him off but they did it. Now, something
significant happened that most readers of the scriptures on the account of
Jonah skips; the mission of Jonah was to turn the people of Nineveh to God,
this mission started from the boat heading towards Tarshish. His supposed
mistake became a mission. After the storm calmed when Jonah had been thrown
off, the men stood in awe before Jehovah, and sacrificed to Him and vowed to
serve Him. (Jonah 1vs16).
were men who had tried their gods to calm the storm but couldn’t do anything. That
trip was the battle of gods, and without any doubt they came to the knowledge
and acceptance of Jehovah as the God of all gods. Isn’t that interesting how
what has been tagged a total mistake turned out to be another missionary journey?
“Ye are a chosen generation” you are under God, no mistakes. Do you think that
scripture that says “all things works together for good to they that love the
Lord” is just to complete the bible?
Jonah was never even in the know of what that little occurrence have caused to
the lives of those on board with him in that ship.
will you just let go of that thought of the mistake you had made. For you to
retain in your memory a mistake you have made or a possibility of making a
mistake only kills the propensity of God expanding inside of you. Perhaps God
had initiated His purpose in that which you wouldn’t forgive yourself about, He
is God, and He doesn’t miss a moment. All is to expand His kingdom.
Olufemi Ibitoye
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