Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Second Wash

I was reading through the book of Revelations and I saw what caught my attention from the Living Bible translation. The book of revelations seems to have a lot to say about the antichrist but it is a book revealing the person and saving grace of Jesus Christ.

The focal point of our dose for this week is what is revealed in the book of revelation as the character of those who will end up in a reign with Christ. The book painted a picture of what gives man the right to enter the gate of the city and to eat of the fruit from the tree of life.

 “Blessed forever are all who are washing their robes, to have the right to enter in through the gates of the city, and to eat the fruit from the Tree of Life” Rev 22vs14

The scriptures makes it clear that when we come to place of accepting Christ as our Lord and Saviour, old things are pass away and all things become new. In essence, there is a new birth. This salvation and new life comes through the blood of Jesus. By this, man is made clean and washed. There is a new garment man wears at this point, called the garment of righteousness. This can be referred to as the first wash. It doesn’t have man’s effort in it. It is obtained free by the blood of the lamb.

Now, after the possession of this garment through the first wash, it becomes the duty of man to keep it clean. There are two catalyst to victory as described by same book of revelations. It is revealed that victory is obtained as a result of the blood and word of their testimony (Rev 12:11). The blood of the lamb which is a representation of the FIRST WASH brings victory but there is also a need for continuous match towards victory which brought about the second wash.

The second wash is continuous not instant and final as the first wash. The second wash using that tool of victory in the book of Rev 12:11 as a model of analysis is the word of their testimony. Testimony here is not just the usual activity we have on Sundays in churches, it is a continuous confession of a person, place or event through your actions, words or inactions.

So, it is a continuous allegiance to a particular standard that speaks volume of the value of the first wash they had. This is why that place ended with, “they loved their life not unto death” (Rev12:11b). A man who is undergoing the second wash i.e. a daily living that announces the first wash (salvation) is a ready tool for the great kingdom. The King James translation makes this clearer as it translates it thus:

“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have a right to the tree of life…”

You cannot obey a command you have not received. So, it is in the place of connectivity though the first wash that you advance on the second wash, which is a continuous act. The essence of the first wash is to ensure it becomes possible to live in the second wash.

There is man called Cornelius (Acts 10), he was a devoted man who prays to God but had not experienced the first wash. He tried every day to observe the second washing but this wasn’t acceptable as its only by the first wash (Salvation) it becomes possible for a man to live an acceptable life in the second wash. God saw this and sent Apostle Peter to Cornelius and his household to put them on the path.

Do you say you have been saved and have nothing to do again? Your salvation is eternal? Yes, the first wash is sound and sealed but friend, there is also a need for the second washing. If your life doesn’t show the picture of the first wash, you may be treading on a dangerous part.

You have not just been washed to stay idle, you are expected to keep washing by the word of your testimony (what your actions, words and inactions say about the person of Jesus who you confess as Lord).

As you go this week, ruminate on this; “do you think your life could make anyone come for the first wash?”

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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