Sunday, January 8, 2017


We bless the Lord for the start of a new year which promises so much for those who have been standing and ready to stand for the Father. The year 2016 was one that was filled with so much turbulence but, we thank the Lord who already gave us the key to operating in the year before we launched into it- Quietness. Even in the midst of the storm we made it through without hurt because we maintained our calm.

We also need to enter into the year 2017 with understanding. While Paul was on the Journey to Rome, there was a great storm (Act 27). Paul already perceived this storm but the sailors never listened to his advice because he isn’t a professional sailor. Some people really had it bad in 2016 because they could not maintain their calm, it led to some major loss. However, Paul still didn’t lose his calm because he had a foreknowledge of what was going to happen. He admonished everyone on board to maintain their calm, if they had listened to him the storm would have had no effect on them.

It was a tough time on board but they finally found themselves on an island of Malta where Paul experienced what was expected to be another unpleasant situation but marked the beginning of great harvest. He was bitten by a viper. As a result of the snake bite, the news of the power Paul carried filtered around the island that the governor of the island gave them a pleasant meal. People who were supposed to be prisoners ate in the governor’s rank.

Thank God you made it through the turbulent sail of 2016. It was a tough time all over the universe. Sailing through 2016 required so much calm, I know you may not be in Rome now (your desired position), the storm was so much you found yourself on the Island of Malta (a place you didn’t intend to be). It’s God’s intention to enlarge your coast from there and give you a great harvest.

Watch out! There could be that snake bite that will seem like yes finally it’s over for you. It is a set up by God to finally expose the glory inherent in you. 2017 is meant for harvest. Harvest of all that you have sown. You are not yet in Rome, but the Lord planned this Malta to give you a great harvest. By the end of 2017, your influence would have grown from Malta to Rome. That is multiple harvest. It affords you the grace of dining with kings.

All you need is to start this year with an expectant heart. Make ready your basket for harvest.  Don’t be discouraged when the viper strikes, it’s meant to announce you, not to kill you.

However, if you have not given your life to Christ or you have not been living according to His statutes, I can’t guarantee your safety. It’s never too late to come to Him. He is the glory you need. All you have to do is confess Jesus as your Lord and believe in your heart that He died to save you.

As you go this year, confess this affirmation:

“It’s my year of great harvest,

whatever the situation may be,

my source is supernatural.”

Happy New Year. Let’s see the Word together again this year. #Innovation #Harvest

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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