Sunday, March 19, 2017

Beyond the weapon

I was in the middle of a prayer when the Lord gave me the reason why we need not exercise panic in the middle of storms. The weapons formed against the one who has come to know Christ CANNOT prosper. This was a way of the Lord making me see reasons why I should not exercise any fear in the midst of all that seems raging. I know you must have quoted that part of the scriptures a number of times. 

“No weapon formed against me shall prosper…” Isiah54vs17a.   

The Lord gave light to this in my heart which will also illuminate your soul.                         


It is in the character of weapons to make noise or cause you to make exhaustive noise. Whenever a weapon is sighted, it is natural for a man to fret especially when it is in the hand of a perceived enemy. Prosperity on the other hand signifies the success of an intention. It does mean there was an attempt and such an attempt achieved its desired intention. So, that scripture does not mean you will not be tried by the enemy. However, remember the enemy can’t strike successfully without God's consent because He is the one who has the say over your life. Remember bro Job? The devil had to go seek God’s consent before touching the dear brother. That’s just a representation of the new covenant.

Now let’s go to why the weapons formed against you would not prosper i.e your challenges cannot consume you. You must understand that it is not totally incorrect for you to feel fear. No one sights the weapons of the enemy and not likely to fear. Joshua was sore afraid when he saw what was ahead but it is very incorrect to remain in the fear.

When I pressed further in my spirit, the Lord told me what had been written. 

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runs into it, and is safe” Prov 18:10. 

That answers it all. There is a tower that has been raised against every fiery dart of the enemy. Until you come to the knowledge of what Christ has done for you, fear will persist. The weapons (challenges) are visible but the tower that shields you is invisible So, you are likely to feel fear more if you can’t see beyond the weapons. The weapons can’t achieve its aim because you are covered by the shield of the Most High.

Do you remember the account of Prophet Elisha, his servant, and the king’s messengers who were to bring him? The king’s host came about the night to capture Elisha and his servant. As the servant came out seeing the host of the king all about them, he was so scared and cried to his master on what would be done.

The servant saw the weapons, he was scared because he couldn’t see beyond the weapons. Immediately his master said to him not to fear for they that are with them are more than they that are with the enemies. Elisha could see the tower, not just the weapons. He prayed for his servant to be able to see beyond the weapon, then, the servant saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha but it wasn’t visible on the natural.

Friend, beyond the weapon (every proof of danger around) there is a tower around you. You need not fret. The tower is at work. It is natural for the weapons to be launched, but incorrect for them to prosper. See beyond the weapon to the invisible tower around you.

However, if you are not righteous, I can’t guarantee your safety, you may become as the seven sons of Sceva who were disgraced by the demons. How do you become righteous? Simply by accepting the name of Jesus, believing Him as your Lord and saviour, He takes off your sin and gives you His righteousness. It’s that simple.        

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

1 comment:

  1. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal...
