Sunday, March 26, 2017


Over the years I have come to the acceptance of God’s prerogative of how He chooses to lead and communicates with His children. The inability of us to understand His way of dealing with us uniquely leads to depression. I have personally wanted God to speak to me in a particular way many times that I see other people talk about but most of the time I discover He chooses the mode. God’s leading is not wrapped up in confusion.

Well, my message for you this week is short. I just needed to let you know that so you can get a full grasp of what God has for us. I discovered there is this strong longing to manifest in one area or the other that we all bore in our heart and so long for in our closet. It could be marital, financial, spiritual, career or academics. All of these we seek to manifest so strongly that people may see that we serve a living God. A breakthrough, testimony for all eyes to see and your heart gladdens. I also desire this very strongly as I went into prayers about it and seeing the scripture also talked about this, I was sure my prayers are in line with the word.


“For the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God” Rom 8v19


I was quick to remind the Lord of His written word, in fact it was a strong confirmation I needed to manifest in this particular thing. I then pressed further to knowing more on manifesting, I discovered there is more to that scripture as we declare it. I was led to another scripture which preceded that:


“For as many that are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God” Rom8v14


It’s quite an easy equation. This means, those who are expected to manifest are the sons of God because it is only those led by the Spirit who are sons. In essence, THE ONLY ROUTE TO MANIFESTATION IS BEING LED OF THE LORD. This is why I had to explain at the first paragraph the uniqueness of being led of God. It does not necessarily mean hearing a voice, it is basically trusting in the Lord for all you do. A recognition of Him in the walk of your life. Submitting to the supremacy of Jesus over your life and therein manifestation lies.  


As you go this week, just find the voice of peace deep down in your spirit. It’s your week of manifestation.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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