One of the entry point
of wrong beliefs into human lives is taking account of what could have been the
cause of an unpleasant situation outside of the consciousness of God’s
supremacy over a life. In such cases, the mind begins to reflect on what you
have actually encountered in course of your daily activities; perhaps there was
an occurrence of having a rift with someone and it got so brutal that curses
came forth or at one point or the other, someone had for whatever reason spoken
negative words over you.
Then, it happens that at the moment things are not going too well, your mind quickly operates the replay button, and, the whole situation will seem exactly a product of the “evil word” that came forth. The more you ruminate on it, the more the symptoms becomes evident in your mind. This has the power to cripple a man, especially in cases where the supposed “curse launcher” is nowhere to be found.
Can the saved be cursed?
Don’t forget this is a series
for those who are genuinely saved. If you have missed the last three topics
discussed under the series – understanding the new birth- do go to the home
page to read.
Now, from the old
Testament sacrifice became the order as long as humans were concerned .The
system of sacrifice was introduced after man sinned in the Garden of Eden. God
had to sacrifice an animal so as to clothe Adam and Eve as a cover for their
nakedness. This heralded the system of sacrifice. It went on to God giving laws
to the Israelites on how He chose to be sacrificed to. The kind of animals they
could sacrifice and how it should be done by the priest.
Sacrifice brought the
need for a priest. The main assignment of the priest was to stand as an
intermediary between God and man; delivering man’s offering/sacrifices to God
and then relating God’s messages to man. Hence, the priest was practically in
charge of offering sacrifices to the Lord on behalf of the people and the
nation at large.
Fortunately for mankind,
God sent Jesus who became our High Priest. He changed the system from animal
sacrifices that could not take care of sin totally but only managed it. As a priest,
it is His responsibility to sacrifice; that was the duty of the priest. However,
the sacrifice this time was Himself. His blood was what had to go down for
remission of the sin of mankind.
Jesus did sacrifice His
life and it became salvation unto us. Now, having done His part of the deal of
reconciling men back to God, He then appointed everyone who come to Him as priests.
This had been Gods plan from the beginning.
you shall be named the priests of the Lord, men shall call you the servants of
our God …” Isiah 61: 6
This was fulfilled
after the High priest [Jesus] had fulfilled His assignment.
has made us kings and priests to His God and father, to him be glory and
dominion forever and ever. Amen.” Rev.1: 6
Consequently, you
became a priest the day you experienced the new birth. It is part of the package.
As a priest, now, you also have that primary assignment of sacrificing even
though this time not for your sins, but, to establish your righteousness. What
then do you sacrifice?
Your model of worship is
meant to be patterned along that of your High Priest because He remains the
only model through which God is seen. God showed us Himself through Jesus. He
sacrificed His life, so also, you are going to have to follow same pattern of
what He sacrificed in order to operate effectively in that office of a priest.
In essence, you are
required to sacrifice your life .Yes! Your life is laid down at the altar .This
is what Paul described in Galatians 2: 20 saying “It is no longer I that lives,
but Christ...” It is then expressed more obviously in Colossians 3:3 how you
died and your life is hid with Christ in God.
So your life has been sacrificed .It is on the altar of God and the Holy
spirit in you ensures the fire keeps burning. Technically, you are dead!
Let’s come home now.
Would a curse placed on
a dead man have any effect? Any enchantment made concerning you will only find
the man being enchanted already dead. Your life has been buried with Christ.
Since you came into the
Kingdom, the constitution of the kingdom binds you. The pronouncement of God is
only what holds sway over your life, because, that is in who Christ who you
submitted your life to is.
Do you remember how Balaak
requested Balaam to help him curse the Israelites? (Num 22-24) Despite the fact
that they were operating a conditional relationship with God, they could not be
cursed because God was for them. There was only an entry point when the Israelites were made to sin. Do you know the difference now? Even when you go
against God’s will there is a provision for you, it is now a family matter, the
devil does not have a say when a child of God misses a mark. What was not
available before was communion, now Jesus pleads your case and the Holy Spirit
convicts you to retrace your step. You are a part of the family. God was with
the Israelites but God is inside of you who has experienced the new birth. It only
takes renouncing Jesus to have a man open for curses.
Friend, if any man
living can place a curse on you, then it means the scripture is not true when
it says your life is hid with Christ in God. If your life can be controlled
from an outside force, then those two (Jesus and God) are not real.
On the way to destiny,
there are hurdles that seem overwhelming; they are not results of curses, but, courses
you must pass to reign.
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